Season 4 Ep 18

770 19 11

"You know, you better be dying after sending me 500 messages." I scoffed, entering Klaus' house, only to see him sweating and curled on the floor, "What the hell happened to you?"

"I need more time... stop hounding me!" Klaus shouted.

I raised my eyebrows, "I'm sorry... I am hounding you!? I have a girlfriend who is making me pick up 5 different styles of flowers, but I told her to wait because you needed some attention."

"Karson?" He gasped, puling himself onto a nearby chair, "Prove to me it's really you."

"Look, I do not have time for this Klaus. You've met Caroline, I can't be late." I scoffed, heading towards the door.

"Wait, please." He begged, "It's Silas... he has been in my head. I stabbed me with the white oak stake. A piece is still inside of me."

I crossed my arms, "Why is that my problem?"

"Need I remind you that if I die, so do you, your brothers, your beloved girlfriend. I die, they all die."

I clenched my jaw and took a few steps closer to him. He was such a pain in the ass, but he was right. Due to the sire line the moment he died the rest of us would follow after him. I shook my head and began to pace. I spotted the plyers on the ground and picked them up, looking back over to him.

"You're going to find amusement in this, aren't you?" Klaus scoffed.

I smirked with a slight nod, "Maybe a little bit."

He smirked back and turned around, "Get on with it then."


"I've been digging in your back for far too long, Klaus! There is NOTHING in there!" I scoffed, throwing the plyers.

"I can feel the splinters moving towards my heart. After all I have done for you..."

I cut him off, "What the hell have you done for me?"

"I saved Caroline's life, twice!"

"You are the one that put her in danger... twice! I have been nothing but a friend to you. An ally. And for what? We have no trust here, Klaus. So, I am going to walk out the door for the last time." I shook my head and rose to my feet, making my way to the door.

He vamped in front of me, "Don't turn your back on me!"

"I should've turned my back on you from the beginning!" I shouted back, shoving him away.

There was a moment of silence that filled the air between us. He stood there, looking at me in disbelief. He let out a breath as if he was coming to a realization, and he smiled as he reached for his back.

"The pain," He started, "The pain is gone. It isn't there anymore. You kept my mind off of it. Thank you."

"Yeah, sure. Totally a part of the plan." I shrugged.

He came closer and put his hands onto my shoulders, "You brought me back, Karson. You seem to always have that effect."

I gave him a confused looked and before I could reply, he pulled me into a hug. Something we never did, even as friends. I let out a breath and returned the hug. Even when we heard footsteps enter the home, he didn't loosen his grip.

"What the hell is going on? Karson, I have been waiting hours for you." Caroline scoffed.

Klaus scoffed, ending our embrace, "Don't mind him, love. He was just helping a friend."

"You look like hell." Caroline spoke, pulling me away from Klaus.

"Silas got into my head. He made me believe I was dying..." Klaus muttered, turning to me, "Thank you again."

I nodded, "Anytime."

"Hang on a minute," Caroline paused, "If Silas can make an Original believe they're dying... what does that mean for the rest of us?"

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