Season 4 Ep 9

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"Are you watching me sleep?" I scoffed, peaking at her from under the blankets.

"Maybe!" She laughed, "It was supposed to be romantic."

I let out a laugh and rolled on top of her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. It only caused her to laugh and smile more. "I suppose it is kind of romantic."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. She also shoved me off of her and began to get dressed. She talked about how when she was at the Grill, Tyler confided in her. Telling her that the hybrids were going to attack Klaus tonight. However, the plan was to put Klaus in Tyler's body, and then bury him until they can find a permanent solution.

I scrunched my brows, "I'm not sure that would be the wisest decision."

"Yeah, you think!" 

"No, I mean... As stupid as it is of Tyler... I think we need Klaus to actually get the cure. Not that the cure is on the top of my list but, I think he's important."

"You can't be serious?"

"Unfortunately," I sighed, getting up to get dressed myself, "I am very serious. Which means I have to go talk to him."

"And say what?!"

I shrugged, "I don't know, Caroline! Maybe if we can get him to talk we won't need him as much!"

She squinted her eyes at me, "That's not it! You actually enjoy his friendship, don't you? He murders people, you know that right?"

"Okay, yes! I enjoy having a friend that isn't names Damon or Stefan! And yes, I know he has... but so have I! So has every vampire that has ever been around! That's not a deal breaker." I sighed, pulling my jacket over my shoulders.

She rolled her eyes, "Fine. What am I supposed to do then?"

"I am going to talk to my hybrid," I smiled, "You go talk to yours."


"Two Salvatores in one day!" Klaus smirked, "Should I expect to see Damon later?"

"What was Stefan here for?"

"Oh, the usual. Wanted information and wasn't very friendly about it." He smiled at me.

I gave him a half smile as I took a seat, "Care to repeat?"

"All you need to know, friend, is that the sword is the key and I have it."

"What if I told you there was more that you needed to know?"

His face grew stern, "Careful, Karson. The lack of information will not end in your favor."

I laughed, "You keep threatening me, Klaus, but you never pull the trigger. If you wanted me dead, I would be dead. Yet, here I am."

"What is it that you need to tell me."

"It's about your hybrids." I sighed, "They're not sired to you anymore. In fact, they want you dead and they have a good plan to do it."

He rose to his feet, "Karson, your loyalty is highly appreciated. But, I have been alive for a very long time... I think I can tell when their hearts are no longer in it."

"Wait, so you already know?"

"On the contrary!" He smiled, "They are working into the plan perfectly. You see, they will help us with finding the cure."

"I don't follow... how does you losing your hybrids lead to the cure?" I scoffed.

He smiled wickedly, "The part I left Stefan out on is this... The sword requires 12 sacrifices. Care to count how many hybrids have broken their sire bonds?"

"You're going to kill all of them?"

"Good! You caught on." He smirked, "It should all be done by nightfall."


I am sorry it is so short!

I hope you don't hate me!!!!

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