Season 2 Ep 17

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"Why is she even here?" Damon scoffed as we made our way down the stairs.

"I don't know!" Stefan shrugged, "Elena said she just showed up on the front door."

"And... Jenna answered? That's kind of awkward, isn't it?" I stated. "Ex-wife on the girlfriend's doorstep. Does Alaric know?"

"Nope. Damon is calling him, right?" Stefan winked.

"And it would be best if you didn't tell them that I was in town." Katherine immerged, with her signature smirk.

"And why not? That would just mean more people are here to come kill you!" I smiled, getting a nudge from Stefan.

"Because I am picking the right team!" She started. "I want Klaus dead just like you. So, that automatically makes me on team you!"

"I mean, she kind of has a point... right?" I stated, getting yet another nudge.

"Did baby Salvatore just agree with me?"

"Yeah, did he." Damon mocked with a stern looked.

"Look, all I am saying is the whole swap with Elena thing ended up saving us in the end... so, maybe the less people that know she's here is better." I shrugged.

"Whatever, I am headed to Elena's. Maybe Isobel will come back and I can ask what the hell she's doing here." Stefan sighed.

"And I don't want to be here!" I laughed, "So, I am going to go be ANYWHERE else."


"Hey, did you find Matt yet?" I asked.

"No, not yet." Caroline sighed. "What if he tells someone? Or everyone!"

"Why did you tell him anyway? Why was he even at your house?"

"Karson," She rolled her eyes. "First, you're worried with Tyler. Now Matt?"

"Yes, I am Caroline. Because I think I have reason to be worried! I think you and Tyler fell for each other."

A faint buzz filled our ears, which turned out to be Caroline's phone. She looked at it and quickly hid it from me. I let out a sigh and shook my head.

"It's Matt."

"Well I guess you should probably go them, huh?"

She gave me a kiss on my cheek and a half smile, "I'll tell you how it goes, okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I sure hope so."


"So, why did they let her go?" I asked.

Stefan shrugged, "Anything that Jon says, we have to assume Klaus knows. He knows you won't be a vampire, and that we're keeping you safe."

"And knows that I won't run." Elena stated.

"Which is why we have to take some precautions..." Damon stated, slamming papers in front of her, "Just sign that and we can call it good."

"Isobel had the right idea... If the house is your name then you get to choose who comes in." Stefan suggested.

"Safe house..." I smirked, "I like it. Better actually invite us in though. I think I would miss the late night cuddling." I teased Stefan.

"Have to agree with you on that one, baby brother." Damon smirked, "If I get locked out I will be pissed."

Elena sent him a nasty glare. Before more words could be exchanged, Jon took a deep breath in as he woke up. Damon instantly sped over here and listed him into the air. Jon began begging and pleading with us, saying that he didn't know what Isobel had planned.

"Damon, let him go." Elena stated, "We need to talk."

For once, Damon listened and lowered him. Stefan, Damon and I made our way to another room and shared drinks.

"So, Bonnie's spell worked." Damon informed, "She's locked and loaded."

"At least one thing went right today." I scoffed, taking a drink.

"Hm." Stefan smirked, "Katherine doesn't know Bonnie has her powers back. And Isobel had no idea of knowing... We're the only one's that know about Bonnie."

"That makes her our secret weapon." Damon smiled.

I nodded, "That also means we have to keep Bonnie safe. Not just Elena."

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