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"You both look very retro." Damon teased.

"Why're you here?" I scoffed.

"Ouch!" Damon mocked, "Bonnie deactivated the device, so why wouldn't I be here. Plus, I came to see Elena?"


"Easy, Stefan.... you have NO sense of humor." Damon rolled his eyes.

"I just don't have a sense of Damon." Stefan joked.

"Damon just doesn't have Katherine to put all of his attention on, so he's focusing on Elena... right?" I spoke, "Elena isn't Katherine."

Just as I finished my sentence, I spotted her. For a moment, I couldn't tell who it was. I knew it was Elena, but her resemblance to Katherine became so much more now that she was dressed like that time period.

"Hello! Earth to Karson!" Caroline scoffed, grabbing my arm, "We gotta go!"


I was making my way through people after changing, when I heard Damon tormenting someone. I got closer to see that He was bothering Jeremy, so I made my way over to him. I yanked Damon from him and stood between the two.

"Leave him alone, Damon." I warned.

"I'm fine." Jeremy stated.

"Look, what Damon SHOULD mean... is that Vicki isn't Elena's fault. Damon turned her. I killed her. She was a threat to you, and she was a threat to Elena. It shouldn't have happened, but it did." I sighed, trying to reason with him.

"Still shouldn't have done it." Jeremy replied before turning away.

"Good cop, bad cop... I like it." Damon teased.

I scoffed, "What the hell are you doing, Damon?"

"He was being a punk!"

"Yeah, he was. But it isn't our job to fix that. Their relationship is not our business."


"Hey, I'm sorry I have to bail, but Tyler's dad is kinda going crazy so I'm leaving with him and Matt! Talk later?" Caroline spoke over the phone.

"Yeah, of course! Be safe." I replied, hanging up the phone.

I got quiet and took my place as the mayor spoke about the town, and the legacy that the founders created. As the fireworks commenced, so did a raging headache. I fell to my knees as the noise continued, making my brain feel like a thousand needles were piercing my brain. I felt a needle go into my arm, and I got foggy after that. I was carried and thrown into a basement with a handful of others, Damon included.

"Damon? What's going on?" I groaned.

"Tomb vampires tried to attack, Jon Gilbert used the device."

"Device? How?"

"I don't know, but we can ask Bonnie when we get out of here." Damon sighed, rolling around.

We saw the mayor, and another vampire grabbed hold of him and snapped his neck. The flames around us kept growing as Damon and I tried to help the other up, but we were too weak from the vervain in our systems.

"No, come on little brother... don't die on me yet." Damon coughed.

For a moment, the flames lowered and Stefan came in. He grabbed a hold of us both and sped out of the basement to the outside. Elena and Bonnie were waiting for us, and it didn't take me long to figure out the Bonnie was the one that lowered the flames.

I went to go thank Bonnie, even though it was kind of her reason that we were there. My phone ringing prevented me from getting a word out, and it was from Matt.


"What the hell happened?" I questioned, running into Matt and Tyler in the hospital.

"I don't know man." Tyler sighed, "One minute I was driving, the next I heard this noise."

"A noise?" I questioned again, knowing he wasn't a vampire.

Before anymore could be said, Liz came in with wet eyes. I met her half way.

"She's in surgery." She cried.

"She'll be okay, though. Right?" I asked.

"They're going to do everything they can." She promised, turning to Tyler, "You need to go be with your mom."

"Why? What is it?"

"Just go."

With that, both Tyler and Matt left. Deb made her way out to go get coffee, and now it was just me by myself... until Bonnie showed up as well.

"How is she?" Bonnie asked.

"Not good.... Apparently, Tyler heard a noise. The same one that I heard."


"So, I am going to briefly not be mad at you right now." I started, "But if he heard the noise that I did, and he ISNT a vampire. Then what the hell is he?"

Oh, Brother ~~ The Vampire Diaries FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now