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"So, is he really doing better?" Elena asked, waiting for Alaric's class to begin.

"I don't know, honestly." I whispered. "I kind of have been avoiding him since he threw me across our living room."

She rolled her eyes, "He wasn't himself, Karson. You know that. He just has to get through this."

"That's where you're wrong." I replied, "This IS him. It may be the worst side of him, but it is who he is. It's who we both are."

Our conversation ended when Stefan himself entered the room and I sighed as I leaned back into my seat. I could feel his gaze on me, but I avoided it. He was hiding things from me, and I wasn't okay with it. Sure, I was being the pouting brother... but I didn't care. I was here to help him, but he refused.

My thoughts stopped again when Bonnie entered the room. We haven't really seen her since her Grams died, and I think I knew why. She knew what we were and I think she hates every aspect of it. Everything her Grams did was to protect people from vampires. I tried to send her a smile, but she looked away without any hesitation.

For once, I turned back to Stefan and Elena. They were just as confused as I were.


"Uh oh," Damon mocked, "Baby bro has his 'face' on. Is it Stefan still?"

"Do you enjoy this, Damon?" I questioned, "Stefan just changed his entire lifestyle, and you have no care?"

"Oh, I care! He is robbing blood bags from hospitals now, and he is doing a poor job of it. So, now, Sherriff Forbes is asking around."

"And why does that concern you?"

"First of all, it should bother you! What happens when he loses control around blondie, huh?"

"Okay, I get it!" I scoffed, just as Stefan came inside.

"Hey, Stef!" Damon smirked, "How was school?"

"Fine." Stefan answered sternly.

"No hunger? No bloodlust?" I pushed.

"Nope! I have this under control!" Stefan smiled.

"You're lying!" Damon shook his head.

"Believe what you want."


"The Fell cousins, don't have a shot!" Caroline rambled, "And Amber is only in it so it doesn't look like only Founding families are involved, which, it clearly is. So, that leaves Elena! And she has the sympathy votes with her parents dying."

"Very sensitive!" I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I know, that sounded horrible!" She sighed, brushing her hands through her hair, "It's just, my grandma was Mystic... and my aunts!"

"Well, instead of pretending to be the perfect candidate... which you obviously are... why not just be yourself?" I suggested.

She smiled and before she could answer we ran into Bonnie, Elena, and Stefan in the doorway.

"Hey, Bonnie." Elena smiled.

"Hey, how are ya?" Stefan asked.

Bonnie didn't answer, she just eyed Stefan and I. Elena called her aside and I took a place beside Stefan. Bonnie went on and on about how it feels like her Grams died for nothing, being as she was meant to protect people from the vampires. How she blamed us for her death, and everything going wrong. I stopped listening and sent a look to Stefan, which he shared. I let out a sigh and joined Caroline for rehearsal.


"You clean up good, baby brother." Damon smirked, "You must get that from me."

I rolled my eyes as I waited for them to announce Caroline, "Have you seen Stefan? He's supposed to escort Elena."

"Well, being as I told Elena about his little blood bag problem, he might've bailed!"

"You did what!"

"You and I both know that if ANYONE is going to smack Stefan out of this, it'll be Elena." Damon admitted.

"Miss Caroline Forbes." The announcer said, "Escorted by Karson Salvatore."

I sent one last look to Damon before looking up to see Caroline coming down the stairs. Her eyes locked onto mine, and for the first time in a long time, I felt human. The way her smile made me feel, and how happy she looked to see me standing here.

I took her hand and made our way outside. I couldn't help but listen to what happened with Elena when Stefan still wasn't there. When Caroline and I reached our spot, I turned to see Damon escorting Elena. I couldn't help but smile more, because in all the years with Damon... this has to be the most selfless thing I have ever seen him do.

The dance finished and we awaited a winner. I watched Caroline's smile grow wide as they announced her as Miss Mystic Falls. My smile faded when I felt my body being dragged into another room and I turned to see Damon.

"What the hell?" I scoffed, ripping my hand free.

"It's Stefan." He started, as Elena joined. "There are signs of struggle in the upstairs bathroom. Stefan and that Amber girl are nowhere to be seen."

"They couldn't have gotten far." I said.

"Stefan wouldn't hurt her." Elena promised.

"Lets hope you're right." I ended, following them outside.

Within minutes of searching we heard a girl screaming and we ran directly towards it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Stefan's mouth was dripping in blood as he threw the girl's body onto the ground.

"Stefan!" Elena screamed.

He finally faced us fully, and Damon and I tried to get closer to him. He knocked Damon back and then tackled me to the ground. He had his hands around my neck and began to squeeze. Harder and harder, his hands gripped around my neck as the blood lust consumed him.

"Stefan, stop!" Elena pleaded.

He didn't listen. He couldn't. His hunger and rage had taken him over. But, somehow, he started to feel his own pain as he grabbed his head and started to moan in agony. I looked around to see what could be causing it, and my eyes landed on her. Bonnie was doing this to him. Before we could catch him, he ran off as Damon helped me up.

"What're we gonna do?" Elena.

"I have a plan, but I don't know if you'll like it." I stated.




I hope you enjoy it still and still love me!!!


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