Chapter 30

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Hiro nods sternly at his alert aide. His broad eyebrows and thin lips are set on the same steep line as the warm breeze brushes through the strands of his silky hair.

"I want no distractions to come."

He glances down at his right arm, looking worriedly at their silent guest, "Not when I'm occupied," he continues, humorless and deadpanned, but utterly mesmerizing when his professional persona is taking over.

Jin's brow rises upon meeting his gaze and Hiro returned his attentiveness with a small smile.

He's still listening.


His lids relaxed as he turns his attention to the matter at hand.

The young fellow just watched him with a secret appreciative smile. He's very composed. This has to be the manliest moment he's seen him. Not when he's playful, perplexed, or in his mischievous thwarter phase.

"Understood, Sir!"

Shun, Vren, Nam, and their assistant at hand all said in uniform before they turned their backs after bowing for their departure.

Everyone else stationed heard him crystal clear through their earpieces. They do not need another word from their master to set off to start the new not-so-heavy workload on behalf of his command.

Their psychotic smiles and bloodlust eyes have never been alive since yesterday.

Gawking at all the backs of the Ahjussi in blacks, finally departing, Jin gently tugs Hiro's right sleeve with his fingers. The material felt soft against his fingertips.

"Do they work under you?" He can't help his inquisition to interfere. He, once again, failed to stop his intrusive mouth to evade.

The sight just felt a little offset. He can feel who was far more superior than the others.

Who's dominating who.

He glances up, studying the most complicated eyes he has set his gaze on, trying to read his thoughts. There's no doubting it. Seeing all the Ahjussis beckon at his authority. He has not heard them counterpart his words regarding whatever discussion they were having.

He's not surprised. He can really be intimidating. Well . . . maybe a little.

Kai halts for a moment. The corners of his lips were itching to lift as he looked down at the curious mitten beside him. He attentively brought back his thoughts to focus on Jin's fingers that are secretly rubbing on his sleeves before giving him a brief and preserved response.

"I pay them well."

He doesn't like the way he affectionately touched a mere material that's transcendent to his rather too warm skin. Why can't he be more open to him like that?

Jin's nose widens in exasperation at his response, "Sure you do."

He's not kidding, is he? He would believe him if he says his father was the one paying them instead, but who was he kidding?

Of, course he has money and he doesn't want to know more about his independence and upscaleness-ish.

Hiro moves the umbrella closer to his side, aloof and calm despite half of his face was bathed in the heat. "You sounded doubtful."

Yes, he obviously is.

"I do?" Ladies, gentlemen, and undefined creatures in wonderland, it's payback time!

An innocent smile slowly and oh-so-sweetly crept on Jin's lips as he shrugs his shoulders at him, "No clue."

Oh, the satisfaction.

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