Chapter 40

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He heard him say and he couldn't ignore the taste of sadness in his plead, mournful and too deserting for his head to sink it in. It doesn't sound like him.

Why isn't he upset like he expected him to be?

His deep voice was set low, yet it was enough to reach his ears ever so softly with an anxious deprived emotion as if he meant for him to hear it alone.

Guilt starts to devour him, bit by bit.

Hearing it straight from him, his name sounded foreign and bittersweet as it rolls in his tongue with his western accent. He can't remember when was the last time he heard him call his name or if he ever did, but whenever he does, it feels different.

It sounded different, too.

It left a pleasurable ring to his ears, hypnotizing and mesmerizing. It was one like a spell that will intend to lure him in.


He felt like a helpless prey trapped around a thick two-headed snake. At the moment he felt like they were left alone together in the massive corridor for a reason, he slowly felt his feet beginning to stiffen, stoned against the floor. He was incapable to take another step forward and so he lift his foot and place it at the next tile behind him, stepping back and he watch the man wide-eyed as Hiro charged towards him.


His long legs were taking hasty and desperate steps towards him.

Each step the man takes closer to him, Jin steps back in return, backing off and running away again in hopes to be a little farther from him.

Besides, it's what he's good at—what he's only capable of doing whenever his heart was on his throat and his head at thousands of meters high.

That's how high this man can take him with just a word.

But the more he walked away, the more his predator was eager to reach him. One step backward and Hiro will take two big and long steps forward in return.

And the same agonizing and frustrating process continues while none of them said a word to each other until he was cornered on one of his neighbor's door.

It's over.

Jin gulps when he felt the cold steel door pressing against his back. He shivers as his anxiety rises and he can hear Hiro's panting breath above his head. He shrinks, his shoulder turning numb and tense.

He's left nowhere to run to.

He's near, near enough to strangle him by this door and flinches and held his breath when Hiro leans down closer to him. His toes curl inside his shoes as he felt his knees buckling. He didn't move a muscle, still avoiding meeting his eyes.

What if someone opens the door?

He's scared . . . really scared this time.

Eomma . . .

A thumb softly caresses his cheek, wiping the wetness of his unwanted tears away.

He didn't even notice he was crying.

Hiro breathes in his comforting scent, lulling his loud thoughts to sleep. He's here. He's here with him.

"If it angers you too much, then I'm sorry," the scorching serenity in his voice was evident.

He was being sincere and genuine in his apology.

One he never expects. Jin shuts his eyes. Hearing the softness of his voice this closely again eases the tension between them and within him. It drew his soul closer to him.

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