Kindness Will Be Rewarded | Kishibe Taiga

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Kishibe Taiga a.k.a Bay Laurel

Requested by Mistake01
Have fun reading!
Like usual, the Taki bros fought again. This time, Yoshihiko was hurt. His brother Sousuke had hit him so badly that his whole cheek went red and thick.

I cooled his cheek carefully and helped the small boy. "Arigatou (l/n)-san." Yoshihiko said and hold the ice pack against his cheek. He remembered me of my little brother, who was killed in an accident. He got up and left the club room. "Is he okay?" I looked behind me and saw Kidokawa's captain, Kishibe Taiga. "I hope so." I said softly. I felt a hand slowly laying on my shoulder. My cheeks turned red, because my crush touched me. "Its not your fault." Kishibe said softly. "I know it, but I can't help feeling sorry for Yoshihiko." I simply replied. Me and his brother Sousuke dated for a month or two, so I know about Yoshihiko's home situation.

Yoshihiko came back and gave the ice pack back to me. "Arigatou (L/N)-san." he said. I smiled and almost wanted to ask how it was at home, but I couldn't. "See you two tomorrow." he said to me and Kishibe. We both smiled and Yoshihiko left. "He's a brave little kid." Kishibe said. "But it isn't good to see them fight always." I said. "I know, but it seems that his father don't really care about him anymore." Kishibe said, staring at the ground. "What do you mean?" I asked. "His father is pround at Sousuke because he's a SEED." he explained. "It's not fair to him." I said, clenching my fists. Kishibe layed a hand on your shoulder. I blushed, because of course he's my crush. I nodded and left the clubhouse.

Some weeks later

"Urg, what do you not understand about the line 'it's over', for god sake?!" I asked Sousuke annoyed. "You're just affraid to admit." he said. "No, I love someone else." I said. "Oh, and who?" he asked. "That's none of your business." I said annoyed. "You love Kishibe, don't you?" he said. "Like I said, it's none of your business baka." I said. "That's a yes." Sousuke said. "Know what? You're right, I love Kishibe." I said in his face. "Y-you love me?" a voice asked. I spun around and faced Kishibe. "Yeah, I love you." I said. He grabbed my arms and pressed his lips with some force on mine. I kissed back and grabbed my hands.

He and I broke the kiss. "I love you too, (F/N)." Kishibe said. I smiled and kissed him again, ignoring the wolf whistles from behind.
Yay, another part is done
Thank you Mistake01 for requesting
Next one is Genda Koujirou
Requests are still welcome
Love y'all

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