One Last Chance | Genda Koujirou (Lemon)

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Genda Koujirou a.k.a Joseph 'Joe' King

Requested by ReaperGabriel

This part comes from my Inazuma Lemons book, that's not available anymore! There are three other parts from that book coming up!

Like you noticed, lemons/smuts are available on this book again. Don't request lemons, please. I'll see if I can make a second part (sequel) a lemon.
Reader's POV

"Genda I've had enough!!!" I yelled at my drunk boyfriend. He tried to stay on his feet by holding onto the table next to him. Damn it, and again, he leaves the place sober and comes back drunk. He growled. "Then go! I don't need you!! I don't need anyone!!!" Genda screamed at me. I huffed, but what I really wanted to do was cry and slap him across the face. But I didn't. "Fine, if that's what you want!" I yelled and ran to the bedroom, quickly grabbing some of my belonings and stuffing them in my bagpack. Genda and I had a shared appartement for 6 months now, but he keeps coming home drunk for over a month...and I've had enough of it.

I took my bag and walked to the front door. Genda tried to stop me, but I easily got away from him. "I'm staying with Sakuma, until you can finally grow up!" I yelled in Genda's face. "Do what you like! It's not like care!" he yelled, or I guess. He talked so slurry that I couldn't fully understand him. I glared at him before opening the door and walking out. Genda tried to stop me again, but got stopped as the door closed in his face.

Sakuma's POV (didn't see that coming, did you? XD)

I was busy with making myself something to eat, when someone knocked on my door. Great! Must be a neighbor complaining about (F/n)-kun and Genda fighting again. That would be the third time this week. I walked out of the kitchen and opened the front door, seeing (F/n) with a bagpack. "Mind if I come in?" she asked. She look pretty upset, but was trying to hide it. "Sure." I said and got out of the way for her. "Thank you." she said and walked in, dropping her bag on the couch. Lucky for her I live two doors away from hers, but she never takes a bag with her after a fight. This must be serious.

"Let me guess...Genda?" I asked concerned. She nodded, looking at her feet. She was on the border of crying. "He came back home drunk...AGAIN!" I noticed tears come down her cheeks. "Damn he really did it this time." I said and sighed. Genda started coming home drunk for some time now, and (F/n) tried to live with it. But I think Genda really went too far this time. She sat down on the couch and wiped her tears. "Why? Why does he keep coming back drunk?" she asked, sobbing. I sighed. Like I know that! The only thing I know, is that she isn't the only one who's having problems with it. "I don't know. If I knew, I would say it." I said, getting to the kitchen to get her a glass of water. She nodded and sighed. Yep, Genda took it too far this time.

A week later (reader's POV)

"I'll go get it!" Sakuma said as he walked to the door. I just remained on the couch, trying to study for my biology exam next week (I have that exam next year!). Sakuma came back into the living room, he looked kinda...nervous. "Uhm (F/n), it's for you." he said, scratching the back of his neck. I closed my books and got up. "Who's it?" I asked, but Sakuma didn't anwser me. I shrugged and got to the front door, seeing Genda leaning against the door frame.

I glared at him. "What do you want?" I asked bluntly. He moved himself from the door frame, so he was standing right in front of me. "Listen, I'm sorry. I can understand why you left. But please, I can't live without you." he said, reaching out for my hand. I took a step back. "You should've thought about that before you came home drunk. Every. Time." I said and wanted to close the door, but he stopped me. "(F/n) please! I'm only begging for one last chance. If I screw up again and you want to leave me, then I won't stop you." he begged, tears in his eyes. "One last chance then." I said and sighed.

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