The New Girl | Itsumi Kunihiko

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Itsumi Kunihiko a.k.a Colby Columbia

This in NOT a request but it WAS a part of my first book (deleted)
Going to Teikoku Gakuen is a dream come true for a girl like me. I'm smart, funny and work hard. So going to such a great school would be amazing.

I walked into the school, staring around. The giant halls were beautiful and everything looked great. I walked to the administration. "Can I help you?" the lady behind the desk asked. "Yes, I'm new and I should pick my uniform and everything I need here." I told. "Alright, what's your name?" the lady asked. "(L/N) (F/N)." I said. "Alright." the lady said and handed everything over. "Well, see you tomorrow." she said and I walked out of the school.

The next day

I didn't really care about the uniform. I just walked into the school again, this time, a lot busier than yesterday. I found my way easily through the crowd and putted my bag in my locker. I needed to find a man named Sakuma Jirou. He would give me a look around through the school.

Finally, I found him. A tall man with long blue hair and a eye patch. "You're (L/N) (F/N), nice to meet you." he said and shakes my hand. "Little shy?" he asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Well, follow me, I show you around." he said and I followed him.

He showed me around the whole school. "Want to see the soccer club training?" he asked. I just nodded and I followed him to the fields. Another man was talking to the team when we watched it from a distance. When the team walked up the field, Sakuma walked up to the man. "How's the team doing, Kidou?" Sakuma asked. "Great." Kidou said. He looked at me and shaked my hand. "Hello, I'm (L/N) (F/N)." I said. "I'm Kidou Yuuto." Kidou said. I nodded and sat down on the bench. "Classes start in 30 minutes, want to watch the training until then?" Sakuma asked. I nodded and watched the training.

When I sat down in my first class, I thought about the soccer team. They play amazing and I now know all the faces of the boys. I grabbed my books and listened to the teacher. Writing some things down, able of following everything.

In my next class, I got bored. I knew every answer, but didn't say a word. "Miss (L/N), can you tell us the anwser?" sensei asked. I stared at the math problem.

4 x (8 + 4) : 2 x 8 + -45

I know it. I signed and smiled. "Can it be easier?" I asked sarcastic. "What?" sensei said. "The answer is -42." I said. My teacher looked on my paper. "How?" he said. "Well..." I stared. "Between the brackets first, so 8+4=12. Then its 4x12 : 2x8+ -45. Then you do 4x12 and 2x8. First 4x12=48, then 2x8=16. The its 48 : 16+ -45. Next is 48 : 16=3. Then its 3+ -45, and that is -42." My teacher stared unbelievable. "That correct." he said and I smirked.

After school, I stayed for some time to help my new friend Deijī out (she has long, orange hair, blue eyes and helps the soccer club sometimes). I was interrupted when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a boy behind me.

He had black eyes, shoulder-length dark maroon hair and a scar on his right cheek. I saw him on soccer practice, but couldn't come up with his name. "Hey." I said. "Hi Kunihiko." Deijī said shy and happy. "Yeah hey." he said and Deijī blushed. "Need something from me Kuni - sama?" Deijī asked. "No, I wanted to ask your friend something." he said, turning his face to me. "What do you want from me?" I asked him. "I saw you at the soccer club." he said. "So?" I asked. "Wanna come watch again tomorrow?" he asked. "No problem." I said. "Great, see you tomorrow after school at the soccer club." he said and walked away.

Deijī squealed and shaked me. "Don't you know who that was?!" she asked. "No." I said easy. "That was Itsumi Kunihiko, one of the players of the soccer team." she said. I turned my head back to my work. "He invites you to the watch soccer practice, he didn't asked me." Deijī squealed. I packed my books and stood up. "If you only gonna talk about Itsumi and the fact he asked me to watch practice tomorrow, well bye." I said and walked away.

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