Bullies & Friends | Shindou Takuto

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Shindou Takuto a.k.a Riccardo Di Rigo

Me : dedicated to tumblrshesh!

Gaia : not so loud!

Shindou : uhm...okay

Me : shut up crybaby!

Gaia : don't call me crybaby!

Shindou : let's start this before one of them kills the other
You are walking towards your school, Raimon Jr. High. But you're not looking forward to it. Why? Because everyday, you would get bullied.. over and over again. Why? Because you're a very shy student.. and you don't have any social life.. lthough you want to have, but you can't, because almost all the students look down on you.

You were just entering the gates, and then heard all the words people were throwing at you.

"Hey look! It's that weirdo again!"

"Yeah! Why is that 'thing' in here anyway? It's not even invited!"

Yes. 'Thing'. They called you that because you don't want to show anyone your emotion, but you let it all out when you lay down your bed when you get to your apartment. Your parents are working overseas, so you lived by yourself.

You entered your classroom, not minding the constant whispers and mean words directed to you.

"Ugh! Seeing that 'thing' makes me want to vomit!" a girl commented.

Suddenly, a girl shouted: "*squeee* IT'S SHINDOU-SAMA!" she squealed.

Shindou Takuto. The whole school practically knows him. He's got good looks, an expert at soccer AND music.. and that's why you secretly fell head over heels in love with him. Although no one knew.

Every single girl at class was practically lining at the door. Why? Because apparently, Shindou is at the same class as you.


"I love you!"

"Be my boyfriend!"

Every single girl was confessing, squealing, blushing, screaming, taking pictures, and the like. You were just there, not minding at all.



"Phew! Finally got past them!" somebody beside you sighed in relief. You looked at who it was, and almost gasped.

It was Shindou.

"Oh! Hey! Can I sit here?" he smiled at you. You blushed a little, then nodded.

"Great! Can I know your name?" he asked.

"Y-you want to know...my name?" you asked quietly.

"Yeah! Why not?"

"It's.. just that.. nobody ever asks my name.. except for sensei, of course.." you replied.


"Because.. I mean.. Nevermind... It's [l/n] [f/n]" you said.

"Well, hi, [l/n]-san!" he smiled.

"Hello to you too.. It's Shindou Takuto, right?" he nodded his head.

"Let's be friends, okay?"

"F-Friends? I-I never had one of those.." you smiled a sad smile.

"Really? Why not?"

"Nobody likes me... I'm just a 'thing' to them.." you sighed.

"Well then, you've got one now!" he smiled.

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