Scarf | Fubuki Shirou (Quiz Drabble)

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Me : for one of my best friends, Shinda_Naomi. I know you spoke Genda

Gaia : Genda-Kun!!!

Me : she likes him....well let's go!
Reader's POV

I was sitting in front of Fubuki from the moment the girls dragged me in. The windows were open the whole time, but I didn't want to bother anyone by asking to close them. Finally, the break came. I was still shivering and almost everyone had left the room. Suddenly, Fubuki sat down next to me.

I looked in his direction and saw his take off his scarf, putting it on me. "N-no, I don't need that, F-Fubuki." I said, still shivering. "No, I can see you're cold." Fubuki said as he removed my hands from the scarf. I smiled grateful and he nodded. I looked deep in his eyes several seconds, before looking away blushing. Fubuki only chuckled.

I felt his finger u der my chin. He turned his face towards his, bringing it less that a inch close to his. "No need to be shy." Fubuki whispered as he pressed his soft lis on mine. I suddenly wasn't cold anymore, I felt warm inside. My face was bright red as I carefully closed my eyes and kissed back.

Fubuki pulled away, smiling. I gave him his scarf back and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.
Me : I really hate writing drabbles, but this is it!

Fubuki : I like it

Me : than it's fine

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