Describes You | Shindou Takuto

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Shindou Takuto a.k.a Riccardo Di Rigo

Requested by Kurai101Hikari
Have fun reading!
It was the last day of school before the weekend would start again. Students quickly scurried out of their classrooms; some were eager to finally get out of this hell of a place called school and enjoy the weekend, others would stay to attend their respective school clubs that they signed up at the start of the year.


Yes, you.

You were a manager of the Raimon Junior High soccer club, and as a manager-and member as well-you have to stay in school to attend your duties.

You scurried your way downstairs, accidentally trampled on a few people and ran out hurriedly off the school building. You paced your way to the soccer clubroom, and when you made it there, you saw the usual early birds of the club in there already, Matsukaze Tenma, Nishizono Shinsuke, Sorano Aoi and Kageyama Hikaru.

Tenma sees you and calls out you, "Hey! About time you're here!"

You slightly chuckle and walk towards him, "Yeah, why?"

"Oh, because I recorded a really funny video of Tsurugi sleeping like a baby!"

You blinked twice, "E-Eh?!"

And as in right on cue, more people arrived to the clubroom. It was Akane, Hayami, Kirino and an angered Midori dragging Kariya by the ear.

"YOU LITTLE TWIT, DON'T SNEAK INTO THE GIRL'S BATHROOM! ! !" Midori shouted right at Kariya's ear.


"No, you were really intending to go in there." Kirino stated.

"NO I WASN'T!" Kariya protested.


Oh, Midori was already at the urge of giving Kariya a taste of his own medicine but just when she was about to, Aoi spoke up."Uhh...Midori-san, let's not have a fight here..."

Both Kariya and Midori stared at Aoi with a startled look. Five seconds, Midori let her grip go off Kariya and just moved away from him, her head steamed in anger.

"Tsch, fine..." Midori muttered.

Aoi smiled and Kariya was rubbing his ear while you and everyone just sweat dropped at the scene.

Soon, everyone in the team arrived, followed by Endou Mamoru, Kidou Yuuto and Otonashi Haruna who were going to give everyone another long speech on improving their power and getting stronger. As the three spoke to them, you were quivering in your chair.


It was because the guy of your dreams sat beside you.

Shindou Takuto.

Just seeing that boy made your heart jump up and being near him made you feel more alert yet nervous than usual; you're in love with him so badly, alright.

And your only problem-like most girls-is that you're too nervous to say your feelings to him. You're totally unsure if he loves you back. But hey, that doesn't mean that you have to lose hope, right?

"Alright, time for some soccer practice!" Endou exclaimed.

"Yeah!" everyone including you responded in that determined tone in their voice.

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