Nobody Except You | Asukaji Sakuya

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Asukaji Sakuya a.k.a Caesar Cornell

My whole life was a mess. My boyfriend cheated on me, but I couldn't leave him. Because of threads. I didn't told anyone. Not even my best friend, Asukaji Sakuya. He's on the soccer team, so I saw him not much after school. When we talked, it was over text message or over the phone that I could hear his voice.

Sitting on the roof of my house is what I do when I need to think. How to get rid of my annoying boyfriend and how to spend time with my best friend. I need his help to go on with this. "(L/N)!" I looked down and couldn't believe my eyes. Asukaji was standing at the front gate. "What are you doing here?" I asked suprised. "Not happy to see me?" he asked. "N-no, wait a minute." I said quickly.

I slide of the roof and climbed down. I ran to the front gate and opened it. Asukaji walked in. "What are doing here?" I asked. "I wanted to see my best friend." he easily said. "Yeah, we didn't saw each other for a while." I said. My phone got off and he grabbed it. "Hey, give that back!" I yelled. He picked up and putted it on speaker. It was my boyfriend, who totally flipped over the phone. Calling me names and saying nasty things. Asukaji kept quiet until he hang up after two minutes.

I kept quiet. "Since when you have a boyfriend who's such an idiot?" he asked. I laughed. "I know, he's a cheater and I want to break up, but he don't listen to me." I said. "Should I go with you the next time?" he asked. I looked up, suprised. "Raimon defeated us, so we don't train to much now." he said. I nodded and signed, making him laugh.

The next day

I walked up to my boyfriend, together with Asukaji. I signed and felt a hand on my shoulder. "No worry." Asukaji said. I nodded and smiled softly.

Look, that's a good boy.

I walked up to him. He turned around and signed. "Last time, I break up when I want to." he said. "No, its over, now." I said. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to the wall. "I break u with you when I want to, bitch." he said. "Let her go." Asukaji said, grabbing him and pushing him away. "Seriously, you defend her?" he asked, laughing hard. "Yeah, she's my best friend." Asukaji said. Staring at his back, frozen against the wall, my boyfriend glared at me. He turned his glare to Asukaji.

A evil laugh sounded and a shiver went down my spine. He pushed Asukaji aside and glared at me. "You got it your way, (L/N). How overprotective can it be?" he asked, turning around and walked away. "Almost looks like you're dating."

I slowly calmed down. I was still shaking, but I wasn't scared anymore. Asukaji turned to me. "Should I bring you home?" he asked. I slowly nodded.

The walk to my house was pretty awkward. I kept looking up at Asukaji and when he looked at me, I looked away and blushed.

It can't be that I'm in love with him???

Finally reached my street gave me a relief. But it was still ten minutes walk. I felt a strange warmth next to my hand. I looked down and saw Asukaji's hand hanging next to mine. I tried to egnore it. I felt his hand touching mine, hitting his finger around mine and carefully picked my whole hand. I crossed my fingers with his. He looked at me and softly caressed my hand with his thumb.

We kept walking like this. I didn't looked at him, only sometimes at our hands. A minute before we reached my house, he stopped walking. Because he stopped, I stopped too. "Something wrong?" I asked. He turned his body to mine and grabbed my other hand. I couldn't control my blush anymore, because I looked in his eyes, shining and filled with happiness.

He leaned closer and pressed his lips on mine. It didn't last long. After a half minute he pulled back.

My best friend, Asukaji Sakuya, just kissed me.

I tried to get a logical reason, but couldn't get up with one. "I-I'm sorry (F/N)." he said.

My first name?

Thoughts ran through my head like a train. "S-Sakuya?" I muttered.

I said his first name?

It was like the kiss layed words in my mouth. I just stared at him. "My first name?" he said. "I guess." I softly muttered. "Well, we can try." he said. "Try what?" I asked. "Dating." he said, like it was nothing special. My train of thoughts ran again.

What if we break up? What if we won't be friends anymore? I can't risk that.

"We can take the risk." he said. I signed and smiled. "I guess." I said. I looked up at him. He pulled me against him. I knew him for years and this was the first time we really hugged. "I love nobody except you with my whole heart." he whispered. My mom was standing in front of the house. "Coming, sweetie?" she asked. "Yeah." I said. "See you tomorrow." he said and kissed me on the cheek, running of.

I walked inside and smiled. "Why didn't you asked Asukaji or better said 'your boyfriend' to come in?" my mom asked, teasing. "Haha, very funny, I'm upstairs." I said sarcastic and ran up the stairs. I hang out of the window and signed happily. It was like finally everything made sence. One thing Asukaji said kept running through my mind.

"I love nobody except you with my whole heart"

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