First Kiss | Nagumo Haruya (Quiz Drabble)

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Me : these two, Himura_Hanako & Ryoko_Suzuno, asked for Nagumo

Nagumo : oh no

Me : good luck! And it's not your first kiss, it's Nagumo's

Nagumo : shut up!
Reader's POV

Nqgumo wasn't looing happy the whole time, and I was asking myself why. He just finished his questionsof the quiz. He got up and Suzuno laughed at him quietly. Nagumo growled and walked away without any emotion. "Nagumo, wait!" I said and followed him to the hallway.

He wasn't showing any emotion on his face. I just glared at him until he gave up. "I...never had a girlfriend." he mumbled. I only thought he was cuter because of this. "I think it's cute." I admitted. He looked down to the floor. "I think it's cute." I repeated. He looked up surprised. I nodded and grabbed his shoulders, kissing him on the lips.

Touko came to the hallway. "Guys! Time to start again!" she said. Me and Nagumo walled in, smiling. I sat down next to him and Suzuno. Let's say, it's was my dreamnight.
Me : again, so bad!

Nagumo : I kissed a girl!

Me : -_-" wow

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