Competition | Manabe Jin'ichirou

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Manabe Jin'ichirou a.k.a Zippy Lermer

Me : not requested, but dedicated to crison18645

Manabe : why are you doing this to me?!

Me : because I want it and Orison-kun, well have fun reading!

Manabe : WHY???!!!
"Manabe! Stop correcting me!" I yelled in his face for the 100th time. I was making homework with Manabe in the study hall where everyone was talking. We were making Dutch homework (because I'm actually from the Netherlands) but he kept on correctig me every second. "Listen, it's not "Vandaag gaan we", but "We gaan vandaag." Manabe explained. "Both is possible." I said and simply wrote my own lines down. "You're so stubborn." Manabe said and wrote his lines down.

In Dutch class Manabe and I walked to the teacher. "(F/N) is right, both things you have can." she said. Manabe signed annoyed and walked to his seat. I walked to my seat and smirked. Manabe and I always compete with each other, and I finally won after some time again.

After class Manabe and I went to the study hall again. It was quiet, almost too quiet. I grabbed my stuff and worked further. "Say (F/N), do you like soccer?" Manabe asked. I simply nodded and worked further. "Because I now play for Shinsei Inazuma Japan." he sounded like he was trying to impress me. I looked up and signed "I know." was my simple reply. He signed and got up. "Something wrong?" I asked. Manabe didn't say a thing, except for simply walking away.

The next day

Manabe didn't talk to me. I signed annoyed. I searched for him around the school and found him at the study hall. "Manabe, why are you avoiding me?!" I asked annoyed. "Because I lost from you." Manabe said. I sat down next to him. "Seriously?" I asked. Manabe looked up, pushing his glasses up. "I lost from the one I love." Manabe said and kissed me, right on the lips.

He pulled back after 30 seconds, staring in my eyes. "You love me?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. "Do you love me too?" Manabe asked, fearing rejection. "Yes, I love you too." I said. Manabe smiled and grabbed my hand. "Do you still need work to do?" Manabe asked. I nodded and opened my books. Together with Manabe, we sat there, making homework and holding hands.
Me : Manabe, you suck in love -_-"

Manabe : why did you do this to me?

Me : because I want it

Manabe : this is more a drabble

Me : I know, well see ya all later

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