My Everything | Ibuki Munemasa

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Ibuki Munemasa a.k.a Terry Archibald

Me : this WAS a part of my first book

Gaia : you moved that whole book in here!

Me : I know, this one is dedicated to tumblrshesh have fun reading!
Sports and Music, keeps you and him together


He's is my everything
My whole world
His love is what keeps me here on earth
Don't let me go
Or I will be broken
But I won't forget what he told me
I'm is everything

My voice got across the room when I sing a new lyrics I wrote. When I stopped, I saw my music teacher smiling. "You're amazing." she said. "Thanks." I said shyly. "Why don't you let your class hear it?" she asked. "I can't, because I wrote it about someone." I said. "Can I know who?" she asked. I looked nervously at the paper. "It's Ibuki Munemasa." I said relieved. She nodded. "No worry, if you want to sing, just do it." she said and walked out of the room.

I kept sitting in the classroom for another hour, finishing your song. I grabbed the papers and walked out of the classroom.

I walked through the hallway, until you bumped into someone. "I'm sorry, (F/N)." he said.

I froze of his voice. It was Ibuki. He smiled sweetly and helped me up. "What are you still doing at school?" he asked. "Working on my music project." I said. "I already did it, but I'm not really good." he told me. "Our teacher said that I'm good." I said. "Really? Maybe you can help me?" he asked.

I blushed deep red. He wants my help?

So, what do you think?" he asked. "Sure, that's fine." you said. "Great! What about next saturday, around 7 pm?" he asked. "That's fine." I said. "Great, than I see you saturday." he said and run of.

Time skip; saturday

I just had dinner and my parents left the house. I picked my music stuff and put it on the table. I grabbed a book and sat down on the couch, waiting for Ibuki to arrive.

The door bell rang and my heart skipped a beat. He's here, I thought. I stood up and walked to the door. Nervously I opened the door. "Hey, come in." I said, trying not to sound nervous. "Nice place." Ibuki said. "Thanks." I said. He sat down at the table. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked. "No thanks, I really need you know this for the next test." he said. I nodded and sat down next to him.

Time skip; a hour later (I didn't want to write about the whole study session, so time skip :P)

"So, do you understand it now?" I asked. "Yeah, it's acually pretty easy." he said. "If you know how it works." I said. He smiled sweetly at me and I almost couldn't hold your blush.

He stood up and walked to the door. "Thanks for helping me." he said. "No thanks..." I said but before I could say anything else, he pulled me into a hug. I layed my head against his chest and he rested with his head on mine.

We just stood there, enjoying each others company.

When I looked up into his plum - purple eyes, I noticed how close his face was. He came closer to me and I started to blush. He was so close that his nose was touching mine. I slowly leaned in and kissed him softly.

I layed my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. His lips kissed mine softly and he opened his mouth a little bit, it made me follow his as he puts his tongue inside, feeling his swirling around mine.

We both gasped for air, but stayed in each others arms. "I really like you (F/N), but if you don't like me, I can understand that." he said nervously. "I like you too Munemasa." I said. Wow, saying his first name feels weird, you thought.

Time skip; monday

Ibuki and I are officially a couple. I just came out of music class. I got a 10 for my song, and even told everyone that the song was about someone.

I walked up to Ibuki, who was hanging with his friends. "Look, there's my beautiful (F/N)." he said and kissed me. I smiled at him. "Are you really dating him?" one of his friends asked me. I looked up at Ibuki and smiled. "Yes, he's my everything." I said and kissed him again.

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