Ghosts | Yuukoku Hiroyuki

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Yuukoku Hiroyuki a.k.a Johan 'Talisman' Tassman

Me : welcome in the school of ghosts

Gaia : yeah right, ghosts aren't real!

Yuukoku : *from behind* and how do you know?

Gaia : GHOST!!! *runs away*

Me I thought you said that ghosts weren't real! Well, have have fun reading!

Reader's POV

I woke up, kind of nervous. I switched schools and today was my first day on my new school. My parents transferred me to Occult Chugakku, more like a ghost school. The only thing I could hope for, was that everything would be fine.

Yuukoku's POV

I sat on the couch, thinking. It was the start on the school year again, but it felt different. Like something special was going to happen. My brother, Asshu, came downstairs. "Hey Hiroyuki, something wrong?" Asshu asked curious. "Nah, just a weird feeling." I said. My brother looked at my face except my eyes, since they were covered by my dark purple bandana.

"Are you in love?" he suddenly asked. "No, but I have the feeling something special will happen today." I explained. He moved away and grabbed his stuff. "Maybe you'll meet someone special today." Asshu said and walked to the door. I signed annoyed. "Hey, leave in time! See ya later." Asshu said and walked out the door. "Laters nii-san!" I said. I got up and grabbed my own stuff.

Reader's POV

I walked to the shadowed hallways. Damn, how scared I got in those dark hallways. "Hey, wait a minute. " a girl yelled at me. She had a orange ponytail and blue eyes. "Something wrong?" I asked as she stood in front of me. "Uhm, I saw you wandering around so I thought I could help you." she said. I nodded. "My name is (L/n) (F/n)." I said. "I'm Antei Gaia." she said with a smile. I followed her to class, through the dark halls.

Yuukoku's POV

I was sitting in my first class, totally bored. I watched everyone come in, until a (H/c) haired girl caught my attention. That feeling from this morning came back. My brother was right! And he never got something right.

Reader's POV

The teacher pointed at a seat next to Gaia. A guy was sitting behind her. He had pale skin, a purple bandana with one eye on it, covering his eyes and upwards spiky hair in a faded pink color. In some way, he was kind of hot.

I sat next to Gaia, who had a weird smirk on her face. "Hey Gaia, aren't you going to introduce me to your beautiful friend." the boy said, his face turned towards me. "Ah sure." Gaia said as she turned me around. "(L/n) (F/n), this guy here is Yuukoku Hiroyuki." Gaia said with a smile. "Hey (L/n)." Yuukoku said, in my mind seeing his eyes. "Just call me (F/n), no formalities." I said, kind of nervous. "Nice to meet you, beautiful." Yuukoku said. I blushed a bit and nodded. A smile played on his lips as I turned around.

After class I walked out as fast as I could, with shivers running down my spine. I had the feeling that Yuukoku was staring at me every minute of the whole class. Gaia finally caught up with me. "What's wrong?" Gaia asked, panting. "Yuukoku." I said, my voice betraying me. "Oh, someone is in love." she teased. "No, I'm not." I said, feeling blood run into my cheeks. "Yes you are, your cheeks are telling me." Gaia said happily. I quickly hide my blush. "S-shut up!" I stuttered. "Oh, you have a crush on the soccer team's captain." Gaia said, smiling. "Urg let's stop okay?" I asked, well more begged. "Fine, let's go!" she said and dragged me with her.

She finally stopped dragging me at...the soccer field. It finally hit me that she took me here to see Yuukoku. I signed annoyed as she waved to get Yuukoku's attention. As she caught his attention, it was like he immediately looked at me.

He looked at his best friends, Tsukimaru and Buradu, before walking towards us. "What's wrong, Gaia?" Yuukoku asked. "Do you mind it if we watch practice today?" Gaia asked, pushing me a little bit in his direction. "No, I don't mind having a beautiful girl watching me." he said, his face turned towards me. I small blush crept on my cheeks. Gaia finally grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the bench.

We sat there, watching for over an hour. My eyes were almost the whole time focused on Yuukoku. His dribbles, his shoots, his passes...NO! As soon practice ended, I stood up and wanted to walk away, but got stopped by someone grabbing my wrists.

I got turned around, but I had my eyes closed. "What? Scared of me?" My eyes shot open as I stared at Yuukoku's face. "N-no." I said nervously. "Yeah right, are you already going?" Yuukoku asked curious. "Y-yeah." I said. He chuckled softly. "I talk to you later." he said, releasing my wrists. I nodded before walked past him, towards my house.

A few weeks later

Me and Yuukoku spoke to each other every moment we could. I had the odd feeling he tried to make a move, with all the compliments he gave me. I tried to ignore it, but it only made me think more of it.

Last week, the friendly match against Raimon was played. Raimon's forward Someoka first scored two points with Dragon Crash before Occult's coach, Jikiro Haito, decided to use Ghost Lock, so the Raimon players couldn't move. It worked and Yuukoku scored three times in a row. But in de second half, Raimon's captain Endou was able to break Ghost Lock and Occult lost when Gouenji and Someoka combined their shots, Fire Tornado and Dragon Crash.

Yuukoku and I didn't speak since. I wanted to talk to him, to be with him. I knew I have a crush on him, but I just didn't know how to confess. I now wanted to talk to him.

I looked around until I found Yuukoku at the woods, nearby school. He wore a black leather jacket, a black v-neck shirt, grey jeans and black-white shoes. "Yuukoku-san!" I said. He turned around, his face turned towards me. "(F/n)-kun..." he said, my sudden appearance shocking him. "Why are you avoiding me?" I asked as I stood in front of him. "What?" Yuukoku asked confused. "You know what I mean, since Occult lost that friendly match!" I said, getting angry. "Oh right." Yuukoku said. I freaked out and grabbed his jacket. "You idiot, why did you make me...mmmm..." I yelled but got stopped by him pressing his lips on mine.

I let go of his jacket and pushed him away. Yuukoku had a weird bad boy-like smirk on his face. "What? Didn't you like that?" Yuukoku asked. I growled and planned to push him, but he was one step ahead of me. He grabbed me and pushed me against a tree. He hovered over me, his lips a few inches away from mine. "You idiot." I said angrily. "What? Can I help it that I love you?" Yuukoku asked, moving an inch away. "Y-you love me?" I asked confused. He came closer again, his breath brushing against my face. "Yeah, so?" he said. I smiled and grabbed his shoulders. "I love you too, idiot." I said. He smirked and pressed his lips on mine again,

My lips moved in a sync with his. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pushing me against him. My grip on his shoulders tightened as he trailed my lower lip with his tongue. I parted my lips and he slid his tongue inside, swirling around. He pushed me back against the tree, his tongue licking every inch of my mouth cavity. I used my own tongue to get dominance, but lost as he pushed me harder against the tree. His saliva mixed with mine as he kept on playing with my tongue.

I didn't know how long we kissed, but he finally pulled away to catch his breath. He panted like crazy, just like me. "Enjoyed yourself?" Yuukoku asked, his nose touching mine. "Yeah, so?" I said, repeating him. "Well, my parents aren't home, so mind coming with me?" he said, a bit huskily. "Why not?" I said as I moved away from the tree, his arms still around me. He grabbed my hand and I followed him to his house.
Me : I'm going to end it here *evil laugh*

Yuukoku : do I look like a pervert to you?

Me : no, of course not sweetie

Gaia : *signs* lovebirds

Me : shut up! Well, see y'all later!

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