Your Biggest Fear | Shindou Takuto

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Shindou Takuto a.k.a Riccardo Di Rigo

This in NOT a request but it WAS a part of my first book (deleted)
My friends listened to me, when I was singing a song I wrote on my own. When I was done, I (like normal) had the highest point of the class together with Shindou Takuto. I had a crush on him, but didn't dare to tell him.

Aoi walked up to me. "You were great." she complemented me. "Thanks, want to do something after school?" I asked. "Didn't you had a bet with Kariya?" Aoi asked. "Damn! Almost forgot." I said, slamming my fist on the table. "Well, I see you at the soccer training." she said and walked out of the class.

I sat down on a chair in the soccer building. Kariya walked to the table. "What are you planning on?" I asked. "Put your hands on the table, hold them there for ten minutes." he said. "Seriously? That's your big plan?" I asked sarcastic. "If you loose, you tell me the name of your crush." he said. My cheeks turned a new definition of red. "I-I don't have a crush on anyone." I said nervous. "Yeah right, that why you're blush like crazy." he said sarcastic. "Fine, it's a deal." I said and placed my hands on the table.
1 minute passed by...
2 minutes passed by...
3 minutes passed by...
Finally, almost ten minutes were over. "I've already won." I said. "Yeah, I gotta get something to drink, but I got two buddy's who will stay with you." he said and grabbed a box. He layed two fluffy things on my hands, but when I saw it, I wanted to scream.

Two hairy freaking spiders on my left and right hand.

"What the heck?! This isn't part of the deal, baka." I said. "Well, I'm not leaving you alone." Kariya said jokily. He's planning this the whole time, so I would tell him the name of my crush, I thought and squealed soft.

Finally, the ten minutes were over. I shakes the spiders of my hands and shot Kariya a murderous glare. "I won." I said. "Yeah, but I had the luck that you had your eyes closed." Kariya said, waving my diary through the air. "I didn't write the name of my crush in there." I said. Kariya smirked, grabbed one of the spiders and he layed it back on my arm. I squealed when the spider moved. I didn't even notice that the whole team walked in.

Without totally thinking it through, I made a decision. "Shindou." you whispered to Kariya. "What?" he asked, acting like he didn't heard me. "It's Shindou! Now get that thing for god sakes of me!" I yelled. Kariya smirked and grabbed the spider from my arm. "What's with Shindou?" Kirino asked. My eyes grow wide and I looked around. Oh no, not good, I thought when Shindou layed his hand on my shoulder. I stood up and ran out of the soccer building.

When I stopped running, I leaned against a wall and cried. I fast wiped my tears away when Shindou walked up to me. "Kariya told you, right?" I asked, staring kind of depressed at the ground. "Yeah, he did." he said. I clenched your fists tightly. "Do you want me to respond?" he asked. I shook my head. "I know you don't love me, so no need respond." I said. He layed a finger under my chin, lifting up my head, forcing me to look into his eyes. "You're wrong, this time you're completely wrong." he said and kissed me softly.

I sinked away in his loving kiss, when he wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I parted my lips and his tongue gently swirled around mine. I didn't know for how long and how many times he broke the kisses to start again after he catched his breath again.

After some time he broke the kiss, staring at me. "You're wrong, because I love you." Shindou whispered. "I love you too." I said and kissed him again. Shindou was right, this time, I was completely wrong. So wrong, because he truly loves me with his whole heart.

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