Surprise | Suzuno Fuusuke (Quiz Drabble)

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Me : asked for by BeyBreakers101, Hawtness & RellyYumii
Me : I'm lonely
Reader's POV

I noticed that there were no drinks aymore. "I'm going to get new drinks, kay?" I said taking the glasses. Everyone nodded and I took the glasses to the kitchen. I placed them on the counter and opened the refrigerator. I took out the three kinds of lemonade and placed them on the counter.

Suddenly, Suzuno comes into the kitchen and I didn't notice. He slammed the refrigerator shut, making me look up. 'What's his problem?, I thought. He leanes against the refrigerator and looks at me. I had interest in him, the whole night, but I didn't say.

"Listen, the guys want..." he started, but I didn't listen. I didn't listen to what he said, but to his beautiful, calm voice. My mind is still awya when he grabs my waist and kisses me, holding me close to him.

He helps me with the drinks and the rest of the night, we laugh together. 'I'm in love with Suzuno.' I noticed, every time I looked in his eyes.
Me : I'm...a...horrible author!

Suzuno : hmph

Me : sorry!

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