Age Difference | Shibata Kachidoki

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Shibata Kachidoki a.k.a Robert Lee

Me : Shibata!
Shibata : yeah, what's wrong?
Me : you're late for your turn, you know?
Shibata : Destiny says what?
Me : just do the disclaimer before the fangirls find you.
Shibata : okay, Destiny doesn't own Inazuma Eleven (Go/Chrono Stone/Galaxy) or you.
Me : thank you, well run!
Shibata : *flees*
Me : I never have seen him running so fast, well have fun reading.
(Maybe a bit lemon in it. WARNING!!!)
"Shibata, Ichimonji, good work today" Kondou-kantoku said. The boys smiled abd gave each other an high five. I smiled after seeing Shibata so happy. He looked at me and winked. He and I dated for a while, and the whole team knows about it. Of course, he still is the annoying boy from when I met him. He is a little bit sweeter around me.

Ichimonji elbowed his friend as they walked back to the dressing room. "How is it with you and Shibata?" (B/F/N) asked. "Fine, why?." I simply asked. "You know it's almost 2 years difference between your age and his." (B/F/N) said. I nodded. Shibata is 17 and I just became 15 a month ago. He soon enough wanted things I couldn't do or give him. "What do you mean?" I asked. (B/F/N) signed. "You know he maybe wants things you can't give or do?" she asked. Than I knew what she ment.

Shibata's POV

I came out of the shower, when Ichimonji just had his jeans on again. "Well, how is (F/N)?" Ichimonji asked. I looked up, putting on my clothes. "She's is fine." I said. "That's good to hear." Ichimonji said. I nodded and grabbed my bag. "Say Shibata, isn't that difference in age a problem for you?" Ichimonji asked. I looked up. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Don't you think you're going to want things she can't give you or do?" Ichimonji explained. I understood what he ment. "Damn, I don't even think about those things." I said disgusted. Ichimonji smirked a bit. "Sorry, Gaia is asking those things to (F/N), I guess." he said and grabbed his bag. We left the dressing room. I went back to the fields and Ichimonji went home.

Reader POV

"Why are you asking me those things?" I asked Gaia annoyed. "You really don't understand." Gaia said. I simply turned around and walked away. "Where is (F/N) going?" Shibata asked. Gaia looked up. "She is mad at me, because I asked her things about her relationship with you." Gaia explained. "Just like Ichimonji in the dressing room." Shibata said. Gaia nodded. "Well, I'll go after her." Shibata said and left Gaia alone on the field.

Shibata's POV

She clearly is mad at Gaia. I'm not mad at ichimonji, because he explained why he asked those things. I understand them also a little bit, because all the boys in my class with my age are talking about it and call me uncool, because I don't talk or think about those things. Maybe Gaia needed to explain why she asked (F/N) those things.

I walked to her house. She was home with her brother. Her brother opened the door. "Is (F/N) home?" I asked as I walked in. "Upstairs." he said. I nodded and walked upstairs.

Reader POV

I layed on my bed with my eyes closed. A knock on the door made me look up. I trowed a ball against the door and closed my eyes again. The door opened and closed as somebody walked in. "(F/N)." a whisper sounded. I didn't move a muscle. I know it's Shibata, but I didn't wanted to talk about it.

He bowed over me and kissed me on the lips. I grabbes his shoulders and pulled him closer. He placed his hands next to my sides, holding himself up. I broke the kiss and stared in his black eyes. He layed next to me and layed an arm around me. "You're okay?" he asked. I simply nodded and kissed him again. He rolled on top of me and forced his tongue in my mouth. To hold himself up, he placed his hands next to each side on my head. A nervous thought came in my head. I just kissed him and layed my hands on his, hoping he wouldn't do any unwanted things.

He pulled away and kissed down my neck. I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away from me. "I'm sorry (F/N), I couldn't hold myself for a sec." he said. I pulled myself up and stared in his eyes. He gave me a peck on my lips. "Maybe Gaia warned me for this." I said. He sat next to me, holding me in his arms. "I'll wait, I promise." he said. I nodded and layed my head against his chest. "I love you, Kachidoki." I whispered and looked up. "I love you too (F/N), forever." he whispered and kissed me again.
Me : another one done.
Shibata : not bad.
Me : okay, see ya all later.

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