Secrets | Sangoku Taichi

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Sangoku Taichi a.k.a Samguk 'Sam' Han

This in NOT a request but it WAS a part of my first book (deleted)
I sat underneath a tree and watched Raimon soccer club practice. I drawed the goalkeeper, Sangoku Taichi, my crush. I liked him since I went to Raimon, but he's a third year and I'm a second year, so I know he would never look at me.

I kept drawing the others. "Hey, what are you doing, (L/N)?" I looked up and saw Sangoku standing in front of me. "Uhm, drawing." I said. He sat next to me and looked. "You're great." he said. "Thanks." I said and blushed a little. "Am I so scary because I'm a third year? No need to be so shy." he said and laughed. I signed and grabbed al my currage. "Okay." I said.

We kept talking until he left. I signed relieved. I remained drawing things until Midori sat next to me. "You and Sangoku?" she said. "No, we're just friends." I said. "Oh come on, everyone with eyes could see he likes you." she said and pushed me. "I like him, but he don't like me, he just came to me and talked." I said. "Yeah right." Midori said. I got up and walked away.

A few months later

Sangoku and I talked every day and became friends. Inviting me to his house, to soccer practice or me inviting him to my house. We had each others phone number and texted sometimes. I had even a bigger crush on him than before.

He texted me, asking me to come to the park. I agreed to be there, but I was a little bit nervous. Why did he want me to come?

I walked into the park and saw Sangoku sitting on a bench. I sat down beside him and smiled. "I waited for you." he said. ''Sorry.'' I said and scratched the back of my head. ''I wanted to talk to you.'' he said. ''What's wrong?'' I asked. ''There's a girl I like, but I don't dare to confess to her.'' he said. I nodded, but didn't know what to say. ''What can I do?'' he asked me. ''Uhm, maybe just talk to her.'' I said. I wanted to say something else, but he cut meu of with a kiss. I wrapped mu arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me.

We broke the kiss and stared at each other. ''I want you to be my girlfriend.'' he said and layed a hand on my cheek. You simply nodded and he kissed me again.

He brought me home and my mother invited him in. She wanted to know everything, but I got so embrassed and went upstairs. I trowed myself on my bed and signed deep. Sangoku walked in and sat down next to me. ''Hey, your mother isn't that bad.'' he said. ''Don't act nice.'' I said. He pulled me against him and kissed you. ''Fine, not like I care what she thinks.'' I said after breaking the kiss. He smiled and kissed me again, the both of us sinking away.

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