My Hero | Amemiya Taiyou

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Amemiya Taiyou a.k.a Sol Daystar

Me : this part is also available on my other one-shot book!

Gaia : -_-" she haves sleeping issues

Me : have fun reading! *faints*
Your best friend, your hero, the one you love and trust


I was walking through the hospital, looking for Fuyuka - san to ask her how Taiyou is doing. A few days ago he's got a operation, but I haven't see him since the whole thing. Finally, I found her. "Hello (F/N) - chan, wondering how Taiyou - kun is doing?" Fuyuka asked. "Yes, is he in his room?" I asked friendly. "Sure, tell him I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Fuyuka said. "Hai, arigatou Fuyuka - san." I said and run to Taiyou's room.

When I reached the room, I saw Taiyou sitting on his bed. He looked at me and smiled. "It was going to be time you came." he said happily. "Yeah, I missed my friend." I said and walked over to him. "How do you feel?" I asked. "Fine, I can leave the hospital tomorrow." he said. "So next week your at school again? Finally, alot of girls missed you." I said with a smirk on your face. "Oh fine." Taiyou said, started to look annoyed. Almost every girl at Arakumo Gakuen had a crush on him. I maybe had one or two feelings, but I wasn't obsessed with him like alot of them. I looked at the clock. "I gotta go again. I see you on monday." I said. "Wait, friday is valentines day, right?" he asked. "Yeah, so good luck." I said and ran out of the door.


The day just began and everybody was happy Taiyou is out of the hospital. Al the girls were around them and when he wanted to talk to you, they said : "talk to us, not to her." Not only Taiyou got annoyed, also I got slowly jelousy. Why do I feel jelous about those girls around him. I'm not in love with him, I thought. I shook my head and try to fight my thoughts. I packed my books and walked to my last class.


I just got out of your first class, when a girl grabbed me by my arm. She trows me against the wall. "Listen, stay away from Taiyou - sama, or I'm not the only one who will beat you up." she treated me. She slapped me in the face and walked away. I rubbed my cheek. "Hey (F/N)!" I heard Taiyou yell. He looked concerned at my cheek. "What's happened?" he asked. "Nothing, nothing to worry about, Taiyou - san." I said. I picked up my books and walked to class with Taiyou.

After the last class, two girls walked up to me. I wanted to run away, but they both grabbed one wrist and trowed me against the lockers. I fell to the ground. "Stay away from Taiyou - sama!" they yelled. They kicked me against my left leg and walked away. I sat up and rubbed your leg. Taiyou saw me and ran up to me. "What happened?" he asked. "Nothing." I said quickly. "I know you lie, so what's going on?" he asked. I looked at my feet. I have no choice than tell him, I thought. "Those girls who have a crush on you, want me to stay away from you, or else they would beat me up." I said. Taiyou grabbed my hand and helped me up. "So that's wrong, did the same thing happened earlier this morning?" he asked, clearly concerned. "No, it was one girl who slapped me." I said. "What just happened then?" he asked. "Two girls pushed me and kicked me." I said. Taiyou smiled. "Come, I'll bring you home." he said. After that I followed him of the school grounds.

Friday; valentines day

At school Taiyou protected me from his fangirls. Luckily they didn't came to you on wednesday and thursday, so that gave some relief.

I was having lunch break with Taiyou, when one of his fangirls walked up to you. "Taiyou - sama, I..." she said but Taiyou cut her off. "I know, you love me, I don't love you." he said easily. The girl walked away, pretty angry. I swallowed, feeling unsafe. Taiyou layed his hand on my arm. "No worry, I'm not let you get beat up again." he said softly. I smiled at him and he blushed a little. I stood up and got to class.

Ather class Taiyou invited me to come watch his soccer practice. I was sitting on a bench next to the field, when one girl walked up to me. She was about to slap me, but somebody grabbed her wrist. It was Taiyou. "If you slap her, I will slap you." Taiyou said angry to her. She broke free from him and walked away. Taiyou sat down next to me. "No worry, she didn't hit me." you said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I got the feeling this is my fault." he said. I backed a little bit of to face him. "Its not your fault." I said.

His face from one to another came closer to mine. I also leaned in and his lips softly pressed against mine.

I kissed him back in just a split second, that I could feel yourself sink away. I have feelings for Taiyou - kun, more than like a friend, I thought when he licked my bottom lip; asking for entrance. I just let him enter, enjoying his soft lips against mine.

After some time, he broke the kiss, staring deep in my eyes. He pulled me into another hug. "I love you (F/N), and more than friends." he whispered in my ear. "I love you to, Taiyou - sama." I whispered. He faced me and smiled. He looked around me at a few angry girls. He shot them a murdering look. Then he looked at me again. "Luckily not one of those girls kissed me." he said happily and kissed me again. In a second I kissed him back, knowing he will be mine for a long time.
Me : I'm awake!

Gaia : yeah, but in a minute you faint again

Me : NO! laters minna! *faints again*

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