Best Friends Brother | Kishibe Taiga

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Kishibe Taiga a.k.a Bay Laurel

Me : uhm, since my book Love On Kidokawa Seishuu Go is removed, I made a part for someone who asked him

Gaia : and that is?

Me : Izumi_Takahashi

Me : this part is also available on my other one-shot book! Have fun reading!
He's your brother's best friend, but he looks at you with his loving eyes

"Someone's coming over tomorrow." my brother, (L/N) Hyan, said. "Who and why?" I asked. I know most of his friends aren't hot. "Kishibe Taiga, he just comes over." he said. I looked at him with big eyes. Ki-Kishibe Taiga?

The whole school knows Kishibe. Alot of girls, including me, had a crush on him. I liked everything about him. His purple hair, shining blue eyes and his kindness. Who doesn't fall for him?

"I have to work tomorrow, so can you make our guest feel like home?" he asked. "Why?" I asked. I didn't want Kishibe alone in my house with me. "I work late." he said, smirking. "Fine." I said nervously. "I know you like him." Hyan said to me. "What? Doing this on purpose?" I asked. "No." he said normal and walked out of the room.

The next day

I was home early from school and looked around the house. My brother wasn't home yet, so I needed to make dinner tonight. I picked the phone to look at the voice mails. One was from my brother.

Hi (F/N)
I need to take some work over from a friend, so I'm not home until 10 o' clock.
Kishibe knows I'm later tonight.
Tell him that he can stay tonight in the quest room.
Thank you.

"He's doing this on purpose." I said annoyed. I walked into the kitchen and made dinner for yourself.

A few hours later after dinner, the doorbell rang. My heart skipped a beat. He's here, oh god, I thought. I slowly walked to the door and opened it. "Come in." I said nervously. He chuckled and walked in.

"So, looking good (F/N)." he said, looking at me. "Me?" I asked. "Yes." he said and sat down on the couch. "Want anything?" I asked. "No, thanks." he said. "Okay, you can stay in the quest room, next to Hyan's." I told him. "That's fine." he said. "If you need me, I'm in my room, second door on the right." I said and walked upstairs.

I sat by the window, staring outside with my headset on. I enjoyed the sight until somebody grabbed my headset and ripped it of my head. I turned around and faced Kishibe. "Why did you do that for?" I asked. He sat down on my bed. "Do you need something?" I asked. "No, I just felt a little bit lonely." he said. "I bet you never feel that way at school, right?" I asked. He nodded. I walked up to him and sat down next to him. He looked up and smiled. "I hate all those obsessed girls." he said. I didn't say a word.

He looked up and I faced him. "Is there any girl who you like, who isn't obsessed with you?" I asked. "Yes, but she don't like me, I'm sure of that." he said. "Why don't you try?" I asked. He looked up again and stared into my eyes. He came closer and crashed his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I grabbed his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

His lips kissed mine softly and he licked my lower lip; asking for entrance. My eyes shot open and I felt a shiver down my spine. Kissing my brothers best friend is weird enough, I thought. He pushed his tongue past my lips and I felt it pushing against my teeth. I don't want this, I don't want this, I thought nervously. I tried to back of, but he only pulled me closer to him. Finally, I gave up and let his tongue into your mouth.

I felt his tongue brushing against mine. I closed my eyes again and just let him.

Finally, he broke the kiss. I stared into his eyes, panting for air. "You told me to try." he said. "Kishibe..." I said. "I love you." he said. "I love you too Taiga." I said.

He kissed me again, soft yet passionated. When he broke the kiss, he let go of me and stood up. "Coming with me?" he asked. I nodded and followed him downstairs.

He sat down on the couch and I sat down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. "You know nii-san will kill you." I said. "No, I'm his best friend." he said. At that moment, my brother walked in. "So, my plan worked." he said. "You did this on purpose!" I yelled. "Yeah, well, I'm upstairs, so have fun you two." he said and walked upstairs. I turned to Taiga and he kissed me again. I kissed him back in a second, feeling good and save with him.
Me : Done! I try the best I can to update as much as I can

Gaia : you say that, now make it real

Kurisaturu : shut up!

Me : thanks Kuri, laters everyone!

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