I'll Stand Up For You | Kageyama Hikaru

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Kageyama Hikaru a.k.a Lucian Dark

Me : time for one of the cutest characters ever *squeal*

Hikaru : hehe *blush*

Me : you're so cute!

Gaia : quiet! *covers ears*

Me : this one is requested by Kagamine_Ren

Hikaru : arigatou *bows*

Me : how cute! Have fun reading!
...:.Reader's POV.:...

Those eyes...

That smile...


He is so adorable and perfect, but shy. We once bumped into one another and it was kinda awkward. His face got red as a tomato while he stuttered an apology. Same for me, of course. IT was kinda awkward. 

I'm talking about...Kageyama Hikaru!

I liked everything about him. Literally everything! And we're kinda the same. Both shy and soccer freaks. But I don't think he is interested in me. His head is most of the time with soccer and school. Not with girls. The thought made me sad. 

There he was, sitting a few seats in front of me. He listened very closely to the teacher's words, while I was more focused on him. I sighed as my mind was drifting off. ''Miss (L/n)!'' the teacher said, bringing me back to realitly. I looked up, kinda embarressed. ''Yes sir?'' I asked, trying to hide my embarressment. ''I'd rather have you focused on checking your homework, and not anything else.'' he said with an annoying look. I nodded, looking down. 

After class I just took off as fast as I could. Damn that was embarressing! Like usual the teacher made me look like a fool. I just can't concentrate for long periods, I just can't! I sat outside, my face hidden in my knees. I didn't want to get back to class. They would just laugh at me. 

''Uhm, hey.'' A soft voice spoke. I looked up, surprised to see Hikaru standing in front of me. ''O-oh, h-hey Kageyama-san.'' I said, wiping a tear from my cheek. ''You can call me Hikaru, y'know.'' he said, sitting down beside me. ''O-okay Hikaru.'' I said with a small smile. 

We sat there in a few moments of silence until he spoke. ''You don't really like school, do you?'' he asked, looking at me. ''Yea, they always laugh at me because I'm shy.'' I said, looking at my knees. ''I don't.'' Hikaru said, scratching the back of his neck. ''Really?'' I asked, looking up at him. ''Yeah, I don't laugh at all. I wished...that...I had the nerves to stand up and tell the others to stop.'' he said, looking at me. I smiled, his words giving me some happiness. 

...:.Time skip.:...(little trigger warning)

I sat in my last class of today, hearing some girls say things behind me. Hikaru was sitting at the desk next to me, looking at me with concern. I know they are the popular kids, and they do those kinda things to everyone, but it still hurts when you know it's about you. 

Suddenly, the most popular girl in school, Lena (insert other name if that's your name or if you know a nice Lena), stood in front of my desk. ''Just so you know, you're a little loser.'' she said, smirking. ''S-shut up!'' I said, looking down to hide the tears in my eyes. ''Look at you. You never say anything, you're always alone, no one likes you and I bet you never had a boyfriend.'' she said, putting her hand on my papers, pushing them off my desk. 

I bit my lower lip. ''Stop...'' I whimpered, begging her to just shut up. ''It's not like you'll ever get a boyfriend. Who would want a crybaby like you?~'' Lena said and laughed. ''SHUT UP!'' An angry voice yelled, making everyone shut up. I looked up with tears in my eyes. Hikaru was standing beside me, glaring at Lena. 

Lena raised a brow. ''Why are you defending this little bitchy baby?'' she asked, a smug look on her face when she thought she had the upper hand. ''You better shut up. Don't you dare to say things like that about her. (F/n) is sweet, nice and beautiful. That you're so damn insecure about yourself isn't her fault. So go away and mind your own business, bitch!'' Hikaru clenched his fists, glaring at Lena. She bit her lip and walked away, a tear rolling down her cheek. 

...:.After class.:...

Hikaru and I walked out the school building. I quickly hugged him, feeling him hug me back. ''Thank you for defending me, Hikaru.'' I said with a smile on my face. ''No problem, (F/n). I just...did it.'' he said, scratching the back of his neck. I quickly pecked his lips, blushing afterwards. 

He blushed as he smiled. ''I...like you. A lot. I-I just didn't know how to tell you.'' he said with a blush. Am I dreaming? Is Kageyama Hikaru confessing to me? I hugged him again. ''I like you too!'' I said with a smile. He pulled away from the hug. ''Well, lets celebrate with some ice cream!'' Hikaru said, grabbing my hand and dragging me along with him. I laughed, following my adorable crush. 
Me : Done! Better love me

Gaia : And why should they?

Me : *sweatdrops* it's 1:23 a.m.

Hikaru : *sleeps*

Gaia : *falls asleep and falls onto the ground*

Me : yeah, bye!

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