Guys please...DON'T

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Well, since some people are slowly getting on my nerves...

Hi, yes my updates are still not here. They're almost finished but school and stuff is getting in the way A LOT. But okay moving on

I want to nicely ask everyone a few favors.

1. Don't ask me to promote your books!

I'm not doing it when it's asked. I only promote books that I find and really like. I know that if I say 'yes' to one person asking me to promote, then it would be unfair to say 'no' to the next person who would ask that. I don't promote.

2. Don't offer help in trade of promotion

Of course, you can always offer help and give ideas when I have a writer's block. But don't say you want to help me only if I promote your books. I'm not letting anyone blackmail me like that. If you want to help me if I promote your books, then I'll simply say 'no' and block you. I've had that offer way too many times.

3. Don't expect an automatic follow back when you follow me!

Recently, I got a comment on my wall saying 'Thanks for following me later' when this person started following me. Honestly, very annoying. I follow actually still too many people. I'm soon unfollowing people who don't even write books and even appear to never be online. Don't ask me to follow for follow, because I don't do that. Don't follow to unfollow as well when I don't follow back

4. If you hate me, okay then

Recently someone had made some nasty comments towards me. I immediately deleted them to prevent any fans of mine starting a war against this person. Also I had some private messages saying I steal other people's ideas and that I'm untalented and pathetic. If you hate me, then that's fine. I don't care. But if you cross my lines then I'll simply block and report you. Hate me all you want, but if you think I care then you're wasting your time.

If a story of mine ever looks like something else somewhere online, then tell me. I have no intention to ever copy someone else's work. It purely a coincidence if a story of mine is the same as someone else's.

Also, no fan art ever used in photos in my books is mine unless I say it's mine. If artists online are complaining that I'm stealing their work, then they're wrong. I don't do things like digital art, only on paper. Note for those artists online : if you post your artworks, keep in mind other people might post it and don't bitch and whine if that happens. It's the internet, you can't prevent it so live with it or don't post your artworks on public websites.


I'm sorry to make these strict rules for myself and consequences for some of you. But I hope everyone can understand it's slowly annoying me and actually causing writer's block.

Also small thing, all lemon/smut requests have been removed since someone brought it to my attention that the characters are waaaaaaaaaaaay to young. The lemons/smuts that I already wrote will most likely be deleted soon. For anyone who wants to keep them, you can send me a private message and I can try send it to you.

Thanks guys! Updates are as soon as I can!

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