They Say | Koori Itsuki

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Koori Itsuki a.k.a Art Tundra

Me : dedicated to kayla_hyakuya

Gaia : who is this guy?

Me : shut up!

Koori : uhm...

Me : oh my...well have fun reading!
Reader's POV

The snow made some noise underneath my feet as I walked to school. But it didn't make as much noise as Gaia. "Listen, he likes you!" Gaia kept saying over and over. I growled and pushed her, causing her to fall into the snow. "If you're payed by those kids to make me fall in love with Koori-san, then go to school alone!" I yelled, running through the snow.

I ran into the school, towards my locker. Everybody was annoying me, saying that Koori Itsuki had a crush on me. But ever since they did that and I truly fell in love for that guy, it turned out to be a joke. Now some girls are annoying me and saying Koori haves a crush on me.

I growled and slammed my fist on my locker door. "Why can't they all shut up for once?!" I almost cried. "(F/n), are you okay?!" a voice behind me asked. I turned around and stared into sweet blue eyes. I immediately knew who was standing in front of me : Yukimura Hyouga.

Yukimura layed a hand on my shoulder. "You can tell me, you know?" Yukimura said sweetly. "I-It's just...everyone is teasing me and saying that Koori likes me." I said, fighting my tears. "I heard about that, just ignore it." Yukimura said, smiling. I nodded and smiled back. "Thanks Yuki-kun." I said with a forced smile. "Okay then, like to watch the soccer practice?" Yukimura asked. I nodded and followed him to the soccer pitch.

A few minutes later

I sat down on the bench, watching the players run across the field. Fubuki was on the side line, directing every player to get better. Koori passed the ball to Yukimura. I watched both of them, every move they made. Yukimura made a shot and scored. I smiled as I saw his happy face. I turned my head and saw Koori stare at me. I blushed a little and turned my head away.

Koori's POV

Okay, she really hates me. Since I told Gaia I like (F/n), she told almost everyone in the school. But because they tricked (F/n) with it earlier, she didn't believe it unless she heard it from me. But, I'm too scared to confess. What if she thinks I just feel sorry for her? That would just be rude.

I sighed as I noticed Yukimura. He clearly saw me staring at (F/n). "Something wrong, Koori?" Yukimura asked curious. "Is (F/n) okay?" I asked. Yukimura looked in her direction. "Not really, they're teasing her and saying that you have a crush on her." Yukimura said.

My eyes widen as I heard him talk. "And she believes them?" I asked, but I already knew the answer. "No, she only believes it if you say it." Yukimura explained. "But I like her!" I suddenly yelled. I blushed as I realized that I said it. "You like her?!" Yukimura asked, well more yelled. "Yes." I simply replied.

Yukimura's POV

Koori...likes...(F/n). So they aren't making jokes. But, that means that there's only one way to stop it. "Dude, you have to confess." I said. Koori blushed like crazy. "No way, she'll only think I feel sorry for her." Koori said, staring at his feet. "She only believes itif you say it." I said, now getting his attention.

I called for (F/n) and she walked towards us. "Something wrong, Yuki-kun?" she asked curious. "I have no time to walk home with you today." I lied. "Why?" she asked confused. "No worry, Koori will walk you home." I said, winking at Koori. (F/n) nodded and looked at Koori, who started blushing like crazy.

A few hours later

I noticed (F/n) and Koori get off the school grounds. I smirked as my plan started. If he doesn't confess to her today, she'll be wrecked forever, I thought as I hoped he would help her.

Reader's POV

Me and Koori were walking through the snow. We were talking about several things, until suddenly, Koori stopped walking. "Something wrong?" I asked curious. "Why are you so upset?" Koori asked. "Because...they all say you like me." I said with tears in my eyes. "They aren't lying, I love you." Koori said, hugging me tight.

I looked directly into Koori's eyes and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I kissed back and felt his tongue trace over my lower lip. I parted my lips and his tongue entered my mouth, slithering around.

After a few minutes (if ya can keep up with that XD) we broke the kiss. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I really love you." Koori whispered in my ear. "I believe you." I said kissing his cheek. He grabbed my hand and walked me home, never letting go of my hand.

Extended ending

Yukimura watched me and Koori from a distance with a smile. "My friends are finally honest wth each other." Yukimura said as Gaia stood behind him. "They're so cute!" Gaia said, squealing. "Way too happy." Yukimura said, sweatdropping.
Me :!!!

Gaia : *laughs* your writes block stopped

Me : no! The same happened in my real life!

Koori : that's smart

Me : thanks!

Yukimura : yeah...

Gaia : -_-"

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