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Okay I'm making too much Author's notes..........

But I want to adress some things....


We all know what it is. If you don't, it's copying a story or fanart from someone else and claim it as your own.

I know that some one-shots in this book aren't written by me, but I credit the original writers.

If a one-shot I wrote looks like a one-shot from someone else, then this is A COINCIDENCE! I never have the intent to steal other people's works.

Also, if you ever see someone plagiarize my work, then let me know. Please don't attack the person please. I'll ask this person nicely to take it down. If this person denies he/she stole it, then I'll ask for your help.

Don't plagiarize my works in any way please. Some of my one-shots are actually based on some of my life experiences or the emotional stories of friends of mine. I don't want people to copy these one-shots and claim them as theirs.

Next point...

FIRST THINGS FIRST, I'm just giving my opinion! This is my opinion so don't hate me for it!

I hate Deviantart

You read it right. I hate Deviantart. This is my opinion, so don't hate on me for it!

Well, let me tell you why I hate it.

1. Too many bases!
So many people are proud of their fanarts...while they simply used bases! Like taking a picture of Tsurugi and Tenma...and they change Tenma into their OC and call it a fanart. No...sorry but no...

2. Overconfidence
Of course, I've seen some real great artists that post on Deviantart. But some people are posting their own fanarts and then hate on others. It's immature and childish


My best friend quitted Wattpad because of a Deviantart user!

She made a cover using a fanart of her, AND GAVE CREDIT! But still, not bothering to ask to take it down, this person called out for her followers to report her. Multiple people hated on my friend as well and finally she deleted all her fanfics and left Wattpad.

She apologized, but I take everything she said back for her. She didn't have to apologize! She didn't have to take it all down! She gave credit!

I'm not going to name this Deviantart user even tho I really want to!

I'm letting myself go a little too much.............

Well, yeah I wanted to say this. I notice how even small writes are affected by plagiarism and I just want to give my opinion on Deviantart because some people asked about it


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