Faith | Tsurugi Yuuichi

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Tsurugi Yuuichi a.k.a Vladimir Blade

Me : Requested by Mariam__Almattar

Gaia : you should update more

Me : I think about a story before writing it!

Asshu : -_-"

Me : never mind. Have fun reading!
My parents cried, just like me. The doctors told us my little brother, (L/N) Hyan, had heart failures and already suffered so many, he was going to die soon. I hold the hand of my little brother, who was silently sleeping.

"Why you, Hyan?" I asked and a tear fell down on the sheets. "Uhm, hello?" a deep but soft voice said from behind the curtains. I wiped my tears and walked around it. A navy-blue haired boy looked kind of concerned at me. He looked a bit like my classmate, Tsurugi Kyousuke.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I woke up from my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. He sat up and grabbed my hand. I looked up and he smiled sweetly at me. I almost blushed because of it. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said. He chuckled softly. "What's your name?" he asked. "My name is (L/N) (F/N)." I said, taking a glance to his hand holding mine. "Nice to meet you, I'm Tsurugi Yuuichi." he said, smiling. "Are you family of Tsurugi Kyousuke?" I asked to be sure. "Yeah, he's my little brother." Yuuichi said. I nodded. "(F/N), let's go." my mom yelled. "I gotta go, but I'll visit you sometime." I said, pulling my hand back. "Then I'll see you later." Yuuichi said. I nodded and walked away.

A few weeks later

The condition of Hyan kept on getting worse. The only way to give him a chance, was to bring him to a special hospital for special treatment. It also means that I wouldn't see him until he gets better. It hurts, not knowing if my little brother will get better.

It was evening and I walked to Yuuichi's room. He was sitting in his bed, reading his soccer magazine. He looked up and smiled. "Oi (F/N)." he said. I smiled and yawned, because I slept not much with the whole situation. "Hey Yuuichi-kun." I said. He looked concerned. "You look tired, are you okay?" Yuuichi asked, concern in his voice. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said, yawning again. "You look tired." Yuuichi said. I signed. "It's the whole situation with my brother." I said. He signed and patted the spot next to him. "Come." Yuuichi said. I signed and walked to the bed.

I sat down next to him. "You're really upset, aren't you?" Yuuichi asked. Now, after hours of fighting, I let my tears slowly out. He stroked my hair gently. "I have faith in it." Yuuichi said, with a calm voice. I looked at him, right in the eyes. "And I have faith in this." he said before leaning closer and pressing his lips on mine.

My heart skipped a beat or thousand, but I soon enough kissed him back. The kiss didn't last long. After 30 seconds, Yuuichi pulled away with a smile.

I blushed like crazy and he chuckled because of it. "I love you (F/N), and I have faith in us." Yuuichi whispered. I couldn't help but smile. "I love you too Yuuichi-kun." I said. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "Hey, I'm sure Hyan is going to be fine." Yuuichi said softly. "I hope so." I said as I looked up and kissed him once again.
Gaia : she starts writing more kind of things like drabbles

Me : well, I dont care

Gaia: *signs*

Me : see ya all later!

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