Saviour In The Snow | Yukimura Hyouga

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Yukimura Hyouga a.k.a Njord Snio

This in NOT a request but it WAS a part of my first book (deleted)
I woke up. My head hurts alot, because I was beat up yesterday by the popular girls. Why did they beat me up for, I thought the whole time. I was just one week at Hakuren Junior and I played in the soccer team, with alot of popular guys. I wanted to tell Fubuki - kantoku about it, but when I looked for him, those girls beat me up again. My arms were blue and bruised, just as my lower legs. Luckily, the soccer uniform covered those bruises. I trowed yourself out of my bed and decided to get dressed and ready for school.

I had morning practice, so I walked to the soccer field, already with my uniform on. Not everyone was already on the field, just me, Fubuki - kantoku and Yukimura Hyouga. I know him very good and maybe had some feelings, but I kept quiet about it. "Hey (F/N), already came to practice?" Yukimura asked. "Yes, I wanted to train before we get into the boring school banks." I said. "You're funny." Yukimura said and gave me a friendly hit against my shoulder. I tried hard not to scream, because he hit me on a big bruise. "Thanks." I said, trying not to yell.

Training was like usual. I was pretty good at soccer and always did my best. But my left leg, which is almost completely blue and bruised, started to hurt a lot. When Itou Torata tackled me, he hits my left leg. The pain shot through my body when I fell to the ground. I layed my hands on my leg. "(F/N), are you okay?" Itou asked. Fubuki and Yukimura walked up to me. Yukimura reached his hand out to me. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. He and Fubuki - kantoku helped me to a bench next to the field.

"Let's have a look." Fubuki said. He got my shoe of my feet and took my sock of. He looked shocked, just like Yukimura, when they saw mh blue and bruised leg. "This isn't from that tackle." Fubuki said . "What happened to you? Who did this?" Yukimura asked. "Some girls in my class who hate me." I said, fighting my tears. "Why didn't you come to tell me?" Fubuki asked. "I tried, but every time they beat me up." I told them. I rubbed my leg and tried not to cry.

Time skip; two days later

Yukimura watched me and helped me out. I couldn't stand on my leg, so at the hospital they bandaged it and I walked around on crutches. I only watched soccer practice. I also couldn't help my mother with the horses (I forgot to say that you're living on a horseranch in this story).

Yukimura brought me home. "Wanna come inside?" I asked. "Sure." Yukimura said. We walked inside. "Nice place." he said. "Yeah, but it's pretty quiet with only me and my mother." I said softly. "And your dad?" he asked curious. "I don't know." I said quickly. "What do you mean, I don't know." he asked curious. "Who ever it is, he assaulted my mother 13 years ago." I told. "I'm sorry." he said. "No need to, want to see my horse?" I asked. "You have a horse?" he asked surprised. "Yeah, I want to do homework first, after that you can see him." I said.

After we did homework, I walked outside. "Follow me, Hurricane is on the first meadow." I said (Hurricane is your horse here, it's a 7 year old dapple grey stallion).

Finally, we reached it. In the white meadow, the horse was good to see. "That's him, right?" Yukimura asked to be sure. "Yeah." I said and grabbed the fence. I pulled myself up and sat down on the fence. Yukimura pulled himself up and sat down next to me. Hurricane walked up to me and sniffed my face. His warm breath felt warm against my skin. "Silly." I said and pushed him away. Yukimura laughed. "He just likes you." he said. I laughed and jumped of the fence. I stumbled and almost dropped t the ground, but Yukimura jumped of the fence and catched me just in time. "Got you." he said. "Thanks." I said. He gave e my crutches and we got back to the house.

Time skip; two weeks later

My leg was fine again and Yukimura didn't need to watch me the whole time. Finally, I felt free again.

I was busy with Hurricane. I noticed that he missed me, because he sniffed my hair the whole time. I brought him to the meadows, letting him run on the snowy grass. I sat down on the fence and watched him.

"(F/N)!" I heard somebody yell. It was Yukimura. He walked up to me. "Hey Hyouga." I said. We became close friends, so I called him Hyouga since a few days. I jumped of the fence and leaned against it.

He stopped in front of me. "How are you?" he asked. "I'm fine, those girls didn't beat me up for a wile." I said relieved. "Good to hear." he said. Hurricane walked up to me and was standing behind me. Yukimura didn't look at the horse. Hurricane pushed against my back. I came a step closer to Yukimura. I blushed when I heard Hurricane whinnied softly.

Yukimura noticed how close I was and wrapped his arms around me to pull me against him. I stared into his teal - blue eyes and noticed he came closer to me. I layed my hands on his shoulders and he crashed his lips on mine.

I was almost paralysed by his actions, but Hurricane pushed me again, so I would kiss him back. He licked my lower lip; asking for entrance. I didn't notice it, because I was busy placing in my head what was happening. When he pushed his tongue with a little more force against my lips, I finally had everything placed.

I parted my lips and felt his tongue caressing my palate and my tongue. I let myself sink away and ignored Hurricane, who was walking from left to right next to the fence.

Finally, we broke the passionated kiss, gasping for air and Yukimura let me go for a minute. I let go of his shoulders, wrapped my arms around him and layed my head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me again and let his head rest on mije.

After some time, I faced him. "I love you (F/N), since the first time I met you." he said. I smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. "I love you too, Hyouga." I said. He kissed me again on the lips, soft and passionated and I could feel he really loved me.

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