Family Difference | Ryuuzaki Ouji

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Ryuuzaki Ouji a.k.a Dracon Yale

My family was completely horrible. I couldn't date any boy if he didn't looked normal. My last boyfriend was rejected by my parents because he was a SEED. I decided not to tell anyone when I had a boyfriend or whatever. They didn't trust me, so I didn't trust them anymore.

I sat in the park in the grass, looking at ducks and little kids who smiled at me. All kids liked me, I didn't know how. "(F/N)." a voice behind me said. I turned around and found Ryuuzaki Ouji behind me. "Hey Ryuu." I said, calling him by his nickname.

He sat down next to me and snaked an arm around me. Guess...we're dating. I'll never tell my parents about it, because they'll force me to break up. He's sweet, kind and a great guy. But if my parents found out about us, they going to judge him by his looks and the fact he's a SEED.

A little girl ran past us and stopped. "(F/N)!!!" she yelled and jumped on my lap. I smiled and the mother smiled. The girl got up, waved and walked away. "Kids like you." Ryuuzaki said. "I know." I said and he kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and layed my hand on his shoulder. I looked up and saw my dad coming into the park. I moved away from Ryuuzaki and he looked confused. When he saw my dad, he smiled at me, letting me know he understood it. "(F/N), be home before dusk." my dad said and walked away.

When I was sure my dad was gone, I got back next to Ryuuzaki and he snaked his arm back around me. I layed my head back and signed happy. "Should I bring you home?" he asked. "Okay, until my street." I said. He nodded and we got up. He layed a finger under my chin and softly kissed me. When he pulled back, I smiled at him, my (E/C) eyes sparkling.

At my street, he left and I walked the last part. I came home and walked inside. "Hey sweetie." my mom said. "Honey, who was that boy you were with?" my dad asked. "A friend." I said. "Luckily not your boyfriend." my dad said. I turned on my heels and stared at him.

"What?" I said. "Didn't you looked at him?" he asked. "Yeah, he's pretty hot." I said. "Come on honey, that hair, those eyes, I feel a shiver when I think about him dating you." he said. I exploded and slammed my fist on the table. "How can you say that?!" I yelled. "What's wrong?" he asked like he didn't said anything wrong. "I'm dating him and no, I won't break up with him!" I yelled. "Honey, we told you to date normal boys." he said. "Oh shut up, that he looks different doesn't mean he isn't normal!" I yelled. "Call him and break up." my mom demanded. She handed me the phone. I throwed it against the wall. "NO! NO, I WON'T BREAK UP WITH HIM! I LEAVE!" I yelled and ran out the door, to Ryuuzaki's house.

When I stood at his front door, my eyes were red and swollen from crying. His parents weren't home yet, but they are better than mine. Ryuuzaki opened the door. "(F/N), what's wrong?" he asked and I walked inside. He closed the door and wrapped his arms around me. "My parents, I hate them." I said sobbing. He rubbed my back with his hands and I layed my head against his chest. "Its okay, don't cry." he whispered. I listened to his heartbeat and calmed down. I looked up at him and he crashed his lips on mine.

When we pulled back, I layed my head back against his chest. "You can stay here if you want." he said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, my parents love you, so it will be fine." he said and kissed me again. I smiled and he sat down on the couch. I sat down next to him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I played with a strand of his white hair.

His parents came home and were happy to see me. I explained why I came here and Ryuuzaki's mother hugged me. I could stay here if I wanted. Ryuuzaki is a lucky guy to have such nice parents. I helped his mother with dinner and helped his dad with some things.

I slept in the guest room next to Ryuuzaki's room. I layed on the bed and looked at my phone. My mom and dad had send me messages, telling me to come home. I read them and didn't wrote back. I signed and thought about what my dad said. Ryuuzaki isn't weird. He's a great guy and I love him.

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