Over The Edge | Namikawa Rensuke

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Namikawa Rensuke a.k.a Davy Jones

This in NOT a request but it WAS a part of my first book (deleted)
"Namikawa! Stop it!" I yelled at him for the hundredth time. I tried to push him away, but he didn't let go of me. Finally, he let me and took a few steps away. "Come on, you love me." he said. He was so sure about the fact I had a crush on him, that he tried to make me his. "I don't love you." I said but he grabbed my wrists. I tried to break free, but he tried to kiss me again. I kicked him against his leg, to make him gasp in pain. He let go of me and I ran of.

Time skip; a few days later

I talked to my teachers about the situation with Namikawa. They all agreed to help and when the whole thing is over, I only needed to tell them.

I walked down the hallway, to my locker. School was over, so I grabbed the books for tomorrow and putted then in my bag. When I closed my locker, Namikawa stood behind the locker door. "Damn Namikawa, you scared me." I said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. "Why don't you just tell me you love me?" he asked under his breath. "Because it's not true." I said. He smirked and grabbed my other arm. I kicked him again and he let go of me. Luckily, I could ran of again.

When I reached home, I was literally out of breath. I ran to my house, away from Namikawa. I clenched my left fist and slammed it on the table. Man, why doesn't he just leave me alone, I thought and removed my left fist of the table. I relaxed and walked upstairs with my bag over your shoulder.

After my homework was done, I layed down on my bed, thinking about the situation with Namikawa. I didn't like him, not at all. He only at this point made me scared of my physical safety. I was sure he could do something to me if he would really get the chance. I shook my head and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

Time skip; a few hours later

I woke up and stared across the room. How long did I sleep?, I thought and looked at the clock. "Damn, it's almost 6 pm." I said and stood up. My mother opened the door and smiled. "Well, you're awake." she said. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing, you had visit, but because you were asleep, I told him that he could come back another time." I mother told. "Him?" I asked. I didn't know witch boy would come to my house to look for me. "Yeah, steel blue hair, brown eyes, scar over his left eye." she explained. "Namikawa!" I yelled, almost panicked. "Do you know him?" she asked. "Yeah, he thinks I have a crush on him and that's not true." I said. "Alright, I'm sorry." she said. "No worry mom, I'm going to end this tomorrow." I said. "Alright, come, dinner is almost ready." my mother said. I nodded and followed her downstairs.

The next day

I walked to the soccer field were Namikawa was playing. I walked up the field and he looked at me, smirking. "Look who's finally coming to tell me." he said. "No, I'm not going to tell you that." I said, clenching my fists. Namikawa smirked and took a few steps to me. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Listen, I don't have a crush on you, I don't even like you, so leave me alone." I said.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me towards him. Before I could protest, he slammed his lips against mine. I planned again to use my feet, but he stepped on my shoes, so that was no possibility. He wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to deepen the kiss.

Finally, I kissed him back with much passion, leaving him waiting for more. He licked over my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I wasn't about to give in so easy, so I used my own tongue to fight for dominance with his.

When he broke the kiss, he smirked at me. "Did I chanced your mind now?" he asked with a dark smirk on his face. "Well, you win, so what do you want?" I asked. "You, I want you." he said and kissed me again.

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