Nothing But Lies | Kirigakure Saiji

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Kirigakure Saiji a.k.a Sail 'Cloak' BlueSea

Me : uhm...

Kirigakure : uhm...

Gaia : awkward silence...

Me : yeah...

Kirigakure : just start okay?!

Me : uhm okay, have fun reading!
I walked through the hallways with my best friend Kurisutaru. She and I were friends like forever, but her crush on one of the school bad boy's was getting between us. I was not really known on Sengoku Igajima, but the most popular girl of the whole school saw me as a threat.

Me and Kurisutaru talked further until I bumped into someone. I fell backwards to the ground, my eyes closed, but quickly got catched by two strong arms. My eyes winced as I stared into the red eyes of the school's bad boy, Kirigakure Saiji. He helped me back on my feet. "Watch where you going next time, okay?" Kirigakure said, a little bit annoyance in his voice. "Sorry, Kirigakure-san." I said nervously. "Hehe, no problem cutie." Kirigakure said with a smirk on his face. I blushed and stared at the ground. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look in his eyes.

Gaia's POV (ms. Popular)

I walked through the hallways, searching around for Kirigakure. I like him, what he knows, but he plays hard to get. When I turned around the corner, I saw Kirigakure with...ANOTHER GIRL! With her! I growled and stepped around the corner. "Kirigakure!" I yelled and ran towards him. I hugged him, causing him to let her go, but he pushed me away. "Seriously Gaia, no means no!" Kirigakure said before turning his attention back to her. I growled and turned around. "Fine, but I'll get you." I yelled before running away.

Reader's POV

Gaia ran away. I didn't understand it. She was the most popular girl in the whole school. Why would Kirigakure prefer to talk to me instead of her? "Say, what's your name?" he asked, stopping my train of thoughts. "Uhm, I'm (L/n) (F/n)." I said, looking back at my feet. "Nervous because of me?" Kirigakure asked, chuckling. "Uhm no, I'll see you later." I said, walking pass him. Sure, cutie." Kirigakure said and walked away.

A few days later

I sat in the library, studying for my upcoming exam Biology. Gaia walked towards me and sat down next to me. "Say, you don't really think Saiji-sama likes you right?" she asked. I looked up. "Because, c'mon he's popular and you are...nobody." Gaia said, her voice showing her intentions. "And what do you know about it?" I asked, hiding the fact she made me sad. "Trust me, he just feels sorry for you." Gaia said, getting up and walking away.

As soon as school was over, I planned on avoiding Kirigakure, but failed. I bumped into him, again. "Seriously (L/n), you need to stop that." he said, smiling. "Yeah yeah." I said annoyed, trying to get pass him. "Hey, you aren't avoiding me, right?" he asked, grabbing my wrist. "Know what? Yes I do." I said, breaking free from his hold. "And can you tell me why before you run away?" Kirigakure asked, his voice betraying his anger. "You just feel sorry for me!" I yelled in his face. "And who told you that nonsense for god sake?!" Kirigakure yelled. "Gaia!" I yelled back. "Seriously, you believe that bitch?" Kirigakure asked, trying to calm down. "So what? Go to her and leave me alone!" I yelled and ran away.

The next day

I felt sorry for my behaviour towards Kirigakure, but I wasn't ready to apologise to him. I simply searched for my best friend in the whole world Kurisutaru. I found her outside, staring at her crush, Antei Asshu. Worst part about that is : he's Gaia's brother.

"Hey Kurisutaru." I said, waking her up from her thoughts. "Oh hey (F/n)." she said, looking up. "Uhm, are you okay?" Kurisutaru asked, noticing the sadness in my voice. "It's Kirigakure." I said, looking away. "What's wrong?" she asked concerned. "Yesterday...we agrued and...I don't know how to apologise to him." I stuttered. "Okay know what, say sorry." Kurisutaru said like it was obvious. "Yeah, but..." I started. "You're scared that he's angry because you like him." Kurisutaru said, making me blush. I signed before turning on my heels to search for Kirigakure.

I found Kirigakure at the soccer field, together with his friends, Hatsutori Hanzou and Fuuma Koheita. As soon as Kirigakure notice me, his attention fully got to me. "Uhm guys, I'll see ya later." Kirigakure said, looking at me. "Okay, go and get it." Hatsutori whispered as he looked at me through the corner of his eye. "Good luck." Fuuma said, dragging Hatsutori with him.

I slowly walked towards Kirigakure. It felt like hours until I was standing in front of him. "I thought you already got home." Kirigakure said, his hand on his hip. "I first wanted to apologise for yesterday." I said, staring at my feet. He layed his hands on my shoulders, making me look up. "Is that the only thing you wanted to say?" he asked, like he hoped for more. "Uhm..." I tried to say something, but my cheeks were burning so bad, that I couldn't say a word. He smiled and pressed his lips sweetly on mine.

He broke the sweet kiss after a few seconds. I stared at him, my eyes winced. "(F/n), can I tell you something?" Kirigakure asked, smiling. "Uhm, yeah." I said, looking away. "I love you." he whispered against my lips. I blushed like hell, my cheeks completely burning. "I love you too." I said, feeling much better now I said that. He smiled and kissed me again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He snaked his arms around my waist, holding me as close as he could. His tongue slowly moved over my lower lip, asking for entrance. I slowly parted my lips slightly, giving him a opportunity. He took it and slipped his tongue into my mouth, swirling around with my tongue.

We pulled away and stared in each others eyes. "If you love me, will you than stay by my side forever?" Kirigakure asked sweetly. I nodded and with thag, we kissed again.
Me : hehe, I'm so tired that I fell asleep twice while writing the end

Gaia : that's what you get from not sleeping enough *leaves*

Me : YEAH YEAH *signs* well, uhm...urg I'm considering to make a lemon again, but I don't really know with who. Who do you think? You can choose between :
Genda Koujirou
Segata Ryuuichirou
Phillip Owen

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