Chapter 5

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Danielle POV

I'm pacing round the room I'm staying in at Stephanie's house whilst she's sat on the bed watching me. "Steph, I feel like I'm losing it."

"Danielle, calm down. It's been 2 weeks now with no contact. If you're still feeling like this then maybe it's not just about the characters." she suggested.

"What?" I stopped in my tracks.

"Look, why don't you just call her?" she picked up my phone and handed it to me.

"I can't do that. I don't want to come across as a weirdo who has a crush." I'm pacing again.

"Dani, ive seen the way your eyes light up when you talk about her. This isn't just a crush. Plus I watch the show remember? I can see how she looks at you and believe me when I say she has some feelings there." She takes a hold of my hand. "You can see it in her eyes." Stephanie's voice is always so calm which is why I know she can bring me back down when I'm panicking too much.

Just as I start to breathe again my phone buzzes. "Its Barrett." I look down at the message.

Doss: D! We miss you! Well, someone in particular does and she's driving me crazing constantly whining about how much she misses you. Honestly D, who knew Italians were so needy? Anyway, love you, miss you. Chat soon <3

"Steph, she misses me!" I read out the message.

"I told you. Now go and get that Italian goddess before someone else does."

I stop and look down at the floor. "I can't." a tear rolling down my cheek.

"What do you mean you can't." Steph pulls me onto the bed to sit next to her.

"We can't do anything about us. We have to stay professional and not date because of the show." now tears are flowing.

"Danielle, why does everyone have to know who you're in a relationship to? Can't you keep it quiet?" Steph grabs a tissue and hands it to me.

"I mean yeah it's possible but the show runners will find out and I could lose my job or lose her."

"But what if you don't?" Steph lifts my head up so gently and smiles at me. 

Stefania POV

"I can't believe you sent that Barrett. We can't be together and you know that." I'm sat with my head in my hands trying not to scream.

"Stef, calm down. You could keep it secret. It's not that hard. Besides the connection you two have is undeniable! The crew won't even notice." she said whilst trying to find something to watch on my TV.

"I got asked to be on Station 19 because they trusted me. Krista trusts me Barrett, I can't just have a relationship behind everyone's back." I look up.

"Like I said Stef, you keep it a secret. So what if it gets out in a years' time? It's not a big deal." Barrett shrugged her shoulders.

I stood up and started walking towards my kitchen, "UHH, stupido! Perché non posso semplicemente stare con la donna che penso di amare?" (Why can't I just be with the woman I think I love?)

"Wait what did you just say?" Barrett turned towards me, her voice a little high pitched.

"I said that I'm stupid." hoping that she doesn't understand what I said.

"Hmm I swear I heard something about the woman you think you love," Barrett stood up and slowly started walking towards me.

"You don't know Italian; how do you know that?" I squinted my eyes at her.

"Boris has been teaching me some in secret so when you go off on one, I can understand a little bit of it." she smirked. "I'm right, aren't I?"

"No, I mean yes but it's not-"

She cut me off "OH. MY. GOD." Barrett started screaming. "Ok so I don't get it, how do you know that if you're not even a couple?"

"You can love someone in so many ways Barrett. It doesn't have to be about sex all the time." I started laughing. "I love her personality. I love the way she laughs. I love the way she smiles."

"You love how she makes you feel in your pants." Barrett teased.

"No! Bella No. Not like that. She's special." Barrett gave me side eye as she walked away sitting back down on my sofa.

I saw Barrett look at her phone with a huge smile on her face. "Who's that from?" I asked as I sat down next to her handing her a bottle of water.

"Uh, from Danielle actually." she hid her phone.

"What did she say?" my heart is racing again.

"She said hi." I knew she was lying because she couldn't look at me.

"Barrett, what did she say?" I tried reaching over to get her phone.

"Ok, I'll read it out to you."

D: Hey Barrett! Wow I miss you all too. Seriously, I'm driving my sister crazy with how much I miss Stefania. I swear she wants to sew my mouth shut. But I'm coming home. Now actually. I need to see her. I need to hug her again because these feelings are only getting stronger and I need to tell her. I'll see you soon Doss. But please don't tell Stefania, I want to surprise her. 

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