Chapter 6

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Danielle POV

I finally land back in LAX. I can't stop going over what I'm going to say to Stefania. I still don't know if she feels the same which is actually driving me crazy. I'm trying to stay focused otherwise my brain will go into overdrive.

I asked Jaina if she could pick me up from the airport as it will be so much easier than trying to get a taxi home. I walk through arrivals and have Jaina run up to me and hug me so tight "Jaina I can't breathe."

"We've missed you so much D!" Jaina let me go whilst I took a breath.

"I've been gone 2 weeks. It's not like I've been gone for a month like I planned on." Jaina grabbed my suitcase as we walked to her car.

"I know but Danielle, we need you here, she's been driving us crazy!"

"Wait who?" I asked.

"Really? You have to ask? Stefania! One minute she's ok then the next thing she's crying saying how much she misses you. We can't keep up." Jaina put my suitcase in her boot and we got into the car.

I didn't say much on the journey to my house. Jaina asked me how my family was but that was about it.

As we approached my house, I saw Barrett standing outside jumping and smiling. I got out of the car as soon as we stopped and she hugged me nearly as tight as Jaina did. "Ok, why don't we go inside and I'll get the wine out?" I asked.

After we unloaded Jaina's car, we sat on my sofa with a glass of wine in hand. "So is anyone going to tell me what's been going on with Stefania?"

"D, I can't even begin to tell you." Barrett started.

"Admittedly, she's had it worse than me and Jay." Jaina laughed. I looked at Barrett confused.

"Ok, I would love to tell you everything about how annoying she is but..." Barrett stopped mid-sentence.

Jaina hands me a hand written letter with my name on it. I can tell it's Stefania's handwriting. I look at the both of them with grins on their faces and open it up. 

Stefania POV

As soon as Barrett read out the text from Danielle, I knew I had to do something for when she gets back just so she knew how special she is to me. "Barrett, can I ask you to help me with something? We are going to need Jaina and Jay too."

"Of course, what is it?" she asks. I don't say anything but smile. "Yeah, Stef that's kind of creepy. Can you just tell me?"

"I want to do something special but it's going to take all of us to pull it off." I said as I stood up and walked into my kitchen. "It won't be easy either because I want to drag this out as long as possible."

"Ok, that's fine. Do you want me to message Jay and Jaina to come over?" she picked up her phone.

"Si, that would be good."

10 minutes later and Jaina arrives with Jay not far behind.

"Ok so I need you all to help me with Danielle but she CANNOT find out." I made sure I am clear. They all nod their heads in agreement. "I want to start it off with a letter. She knows letters are very important to me so she will know it's something special from the start."

"She just asked me to pick her up from the airport, how about I take her home where Barrett will be and we give her the letter once she's settled in?" Jaina asks.

"That would be perfect. Thank you." I have a million and one ideas going round in my head right now.

"I have an idea for the end of it but it might be really cheesy." Jay silently said almost in a whisper.

"If it's romantic then I'm all for it" I gestured him to carry on.

"How about-"

Barrett cuts him off "hang on, why don't we take this step by step so we all know what's going on and when and where?"

"Yes, good idea Barrett. Ok, so I've already wrote her the letter whilst we were waiting for you two." I pointed to Jaina and Barrett.

A silence fell around me.

"Do you want me to read it to you?" I asked furrowing one of my eyebrows. All of them nod.

"It says:

Danielle. Bella. Bambino.

You know how special hand written letters are to me so hopefully you keep this safe. You told me that the minute you laid eyes on me, you knew you liked me as more than just friends. I know that whatever happens, we will never lose the most amazing friendship we have built together. We have told each other so much about one another in the short space we have known each other. But what is time really? Why do we measure everything by time? Who cares about how long we have known each other? I know how I feel and I will tell you everything once I am comfortable in doing so. Please be patient with me. And please don't ask Jaina, Barrett or Jay anything because it will make me very uncomfortable. If I could have chosen anyone to have in my life, you would beat them by a mile. My life has never been the same since I met you and I'm so grateful for you each and every day.

I will see you soon little one. Con tutto il mio cuore.

Stefania x"

I looked up and they all had tears in their eyes. I can't wait to hear Danielle's reaction. 

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