Chapter 16

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Danielle POV

It's been 2 weeks and Stefania and I haven't really spoke since I said about the Marina wedding. Krista and Shonda still haven't told us yet which is making me think that it's not going to happen. Have I just ruined the best relationship I have ever had because of this?

I got to set early today so I can chill for a bit before I get called to hair and makeup. I'm looking through all the fan edits and crying at how amazing they all are. If only everyone knew about Stefania and I.

I hear a knock on my door, I quickly wipe the tears from my face before Barrett walks in. "Hey," I turn to Barrett who can tell I've been crying.

"Ok, what's going on? You and Stef are acting really weird recently and honestly, it's really annoying." She sits next to me and puts her arm around my shoulders. I start crying again. "D, what is going on?"

"I think I've ruined it." Even I hardly understood what I just said through the sobs.

"Believe me, she still looks at you the exact same as she did on that first table read. You two are meant to be together." Barrett pulls me tighter into a hug, "It's like the stars truly aligned with you two."

"Danielle, hair and makeup is ready for you!" One of the show runners yelled from outside.

I make my way to makeup when I spot Stefania walking back to her trailer, "Stef!" I yell, which makes her turn around.

"Hi Bella," Stefania walks over to me and embraces me into a tight hug, "I've missed you." She whispers in my ear making my whole body react.

"It's so good just to smell you again." I take a deep breath and smell her hair, her warm body fits into mine like a glove.

"Can we talk later?" She pulls away and tucks my hair behind my ear, keeping eye contact.

"I'm sorry for being distant." Tears are filling my eyes.

"Hey, bambina, don't apologize please." I can tell she's upset too. "Go to makeup, I'll see you later yes?"

I nod, we unfortunately part ways and I walk into makeup where Denise is waiting for me. I slump myself into the chair, "Denise, why am I so stupid?"

"Ok, who are you and what have you done to Sunshine?" Denise looks at me concerningly.

"I think Stefania wants to break up."

"No, Danielle, she doesn't trust me." She starts putting my makeup on with a big smile.

"Right, you've spoken to her haven't you?" A smile creeping on my face. Denise chuckles and gestures zipping her mouth shut which made me laugh. It feels good to laugh. It feels good to smile actually. I'm starting to feel like myself again.


I've wrapped up on set today and I'm eagerly waiting for the ok to leave for the day so I can see Stefania. I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about her.

"Danielle, you are done for the day but Krista and Shonda want to see both you and Stefania," Bethany, the director of this episode said.

I'm nervous now, is this because of mine and Stefania's relationship? My mind is wondering now. I get to Krista's office and sit down opposite her and Shonda. A few seconds later Stefania walks in.

Stefania POV

"I'm so sorry for being late." I apologize, sitting next to Danielle who looks stunning by the way.

"That's absolutely fine Stefania," Krista started, "we want to see you regarding Maya and Carina."

"What do you mean?" I question worryingly.

"We've been talking to the writers and have decided this season is going to be very hard for the couple but we want to see them both happy." Krista can't stop smiling.

Danielle and I look at each other very confusingly, "I don't understand" Danielle looked back at Krista.

"We have decided that the season finale will be a Marina wedding!" Shonda exclaimed whilst clapping.

And now I start panicking internally but with a smile on the outside. Danielle said something but I can't concentrate. Does this mean Danielle wants us to get married at the same time or has she gone passed that idea? We have already agreed on an Instagram live that we both cannot see ourselves getting married. We have only just started this long awaited relationship, why jump to extremes so soon?

We leave that meeting so happy for Marina finally getting a happy story. But I am still a little worried.

Danielle and I both drive to my house. I open the front door and get jumped on by Jeff, which is a regular occurrence. Danielle follows behind me, also getting jumped on.

"Do you want some water?" I ask as I go into my fridge for a bottle for myself.

"Yes please." Danielle is sat on the floor playing with Jeff. I can't help but admire her laugh and how happy she is right in this moment. Her blonde hair shines in the sunlight through the windows. Her big blue eyes capture the light beautifully and she takes my breath away every time.

I hand her the bottle of water laughing as Jeff won't get off her. "Ok Jeff, play time is over for now."

"Can we go over that meeting Bella?" I sit on the sofa behind Danielle.

"Were you paying attention?" Danielle chuckled at me.

"Si, but after they said 'wedding' I lost concentration." I really don't want her to worry.

"I made a few suggestions on what it should look like and my vision for it but that's about it really. They said they will take it into consideration." Danielle looked at me, "Stef, are you ok?"

"I was thinking about what you said after Jaina told us-"

Danielle interrupted me, "Oh, Stef, it's ok I understand its way too soon and I don't want to ruin what we have."

"No bambina," I hold her hands in our laps, "it's just I never really saw myself get married and I didn't think you did too."

"Stefania, I love you so much, I can't marry you yet anyway." Danielle slightly smiled.

Now I'm even more confused, "what do you mean?" Tears are now rolling down my cheek.

"Aww don't cry," Danielle wiped the tears from my cheek, "I would just love to meet your family first."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Why don't we call my Papa now?"

"I would love that." Danielle leans in and kisses me so softly with her hands either side of my face. 

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