Chapter 71

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Danielle POV

"Have you got everything babe?" I'm stood with Stefania by our front door clutching onto her suitcase with all of my strength. I rreally don't want her to go.

"Danielle, we have gone through everything I have with your checklist." Stefania removes my hands from her suitcase and holds onto them with a tight squeeze.

I can't speak, tears are forming in my eyes to accompany the lump in my throat I'm so desperately trying to swallow back down.

"Bambina," Stefania has notices the glassiness covering my eyes and placers her right hand on my cheek, "go and see your family, have fun with Macey and I will see you very soon in Italy si?"

"I'm going to miss you so much." Tears are now flowing down my face uncontrollably, I don't even know if she understood what I just said in between the sobs.

"And I'm going to miss you too, more than you know," Stefania puts her arms around my shaking shoulders and puts her hand on the back of my head to pull me into her for one last hug before we part ways, "we will talk all of the time and I will take so many photos for you." Her soft accented whispers calm my heart rate.

My arms have frozen around her, "you better go before you miss your flight."

Stefania laughs, "I would but you wont let me go."

"Can't you just pack me in your suitcase and take me with you?" I lift my head and lock into those gorgeous hazel eyes.

"I would love to but we will both get arrested, I love you Bella but I really do have to go now." Stefania leans in and kisses me with so much passion which leaves a lasting feeling on my lips. She opens the front door and walks to her cab, turning around before getting into the car and blows me a kiss. I lean against the door frame, catching that kiss in my hand and placing it to my heart. I wave goodbye as the cab drives off.

I feel empty without her. I turn and walk back into the front room where Ford looks as lost as I am, "it's just us now bubbas." I slump myself down on the couch and Ford rests his not so little head on my lap.

20 minutes go by and I'm still sat here staring into space when my phones buzzes in my back pocket. I slowly pull my phone out and notice a message from Stef:

Goddess: Bambina, I'm at the airport, my flight leaves in an hour. Leco is here now too. I love you. I miss you already. I'll let you know when I land in Brazil and I'm expecting a phone call later. Oh and there's a surprise for you somewhere in the house. X

Bambina: Surprise? What is it? If it's a very naked photo of you I'll forever be grateful x

Goddess: I can imagine you're like a little puppy dog right now. Why would you need a naked photo when you can facetime me and see it for real? I'm not telling you though, you'll have to find it. But the first place you should look is the bedroom. Please let me know when you're at the end. X

The end? What does she mean? I quickly stand up, accidently knocking Ford off the couch in the process. I practically run up the stairs and swing open the bedroom door. Now where do I start? I check the closet, no. I rummage through all of the drawers in the dresser, no. I'm stood here in complete confusion. What am I even looking for? I check behind the first photo we have of us which is on the night stand. Taped to the back of the frame is a folded up piece of paper. I carefully remove it and open up the note:

"Hi Bella! I miss you. Welcome to my little game. I have notes hidden all over the house. Each note will tell you where to go. And the final note will tell you where the surprise is. This way you can't cheat.

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