Chapter 19

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Danielle POV

As we finish the table read for 'Comfortably Numb', I look up and there isn't a dry eye in the room. I turn to Stefania who is sat next to me. This episode is going to be so hard for us to do.

"Does anyone else have goosepimples?" Barrett shouted through the applause that erupted.

"Are you going to be ok shooting this episode?" I lean in and whisper in Stefania's ear.

"It's Maya and Carina, not us." Stef tries to give me a reassuring smile but I know she is feeling the same as me.

"Ok guys, we start shooting this tomorrow," Krista stood up, "go home and get some rest this episode is going to be tough." Krista looks towards me and Stefania and nods.


Stefania and I are running through the lines for the argument, in my house, for this episode. "Carina, we have learned more about each other in the last two hours than we have in our entire relationship. I should have known you don't want to get married and that you do want to have babies."

"I knew it. I knew you would freak out on me eventually." Stefania is very into Carina's character right now, I can see the anger in her eyes.

"Stef, can we skip the next few lines? I just don't want to get too emotional about it right now." I look at Stefania who nods.

"How about we jump to 'I married you the day I moved in'?" Stefania is tracing her finger over the page.

"Ok, that works."


"We have done this scene a few times, I think we'll be ok. Why don't we do the end one?" I ask.

"Actually Bambina," Stefania walks towards me and holds my hips, "can we not run them together? I..I mean I just want an authentic reaction when we shoot it."

"That's fine by me but..." I start unbuttoning Stefania's shirt, "I have an idea that will help get us out of the mood that scene has put us in."

Stefania POV

Danielle is shooting the scene with Jaina in the Captains office so it's the perfect opportunity to visit Danielle's mother. As I arrive at the house, I can feel my legs starting to shake with nerves. I take a deep breath and walk up to the door and knock.

"Oh Stefania, how lovely to see you." Mrs Savre opens her arms and pulls me in for a hug. "Come sit down, do you want anything to drink?"

"Uh.. No thank you Mrs Savre." I sit on the couch trying to calm my nerves.

"Please call me Kathie." She sits down next to me.

"O.. Ok Kathie, I actually came here to ask you something and I know I haven't been dating your daughter for very long-"

"Yes sweetie." Kathie interrupts me.

"How do you know what I was going to ask?" I chuckle.

"Stefania," Kathie takes my hands in hers, "the moment Danielle told me that you two were an item, I knew it wouldn't take you long. You have both had feelings for each other since the moment you met."

"How do you know?" My eyes are starting to fill up.

"Barrett talks," Kathie laughs, "but yes Stefania, I am giving you permission to ask Danielle to marry you."

I can't respond because of the lump in my throat. All I can do is smile.

"Stay here," Kathie gets up and walks into another room. Not long after, she returns with a box in her hand.

"What is that?" I manage to say.

Kathie sits back down next to me "this is my mother's ring, Danielle was very close to her and the loss really took a toll on her." Kathie opens the box to show this gorgeous diamond ring.

"I can't take-"

"Yes you can," she interrupts me again and hands me the box, "I know you will look after my little girl Stefania, I already think of you as another daughter. You have already made Danielle the happiest I've ever seen her. I'm so glad you have chosen each other, I already know you two are soulmates."

I look at Kathie who is also crying, "thank you."

"Ok," Kathie wipes the tears, "I want to know details, when? Where? How?"

I chuckle, "actually..." 

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