Chapter 3

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I woke up looking around my dorm seeing the other girls had gone down for breakfast. I looked at the time seeing I only had ten minutes before class starts.

I jumped out of bed rushing to the bathroom with clothes in my hand. I turned the shower on letting the water hit me as I washed my body. I quickly washed my hair than got out.

I wrapped a towel around my body drying myself. I than got dressed and quickly brushed my hair leaving it wet not having time to dry it.

I rushed out the bathroom throwing my shoes on grabbing my bag and ran out the door. I rushed downstairs out the common room to Professor Sprouts office for my times table.

"Good morning Professor." I said stopping in front of her a bit out of breath. "Good morning Emery." She said with a soft smile on her face. "Can I have my schedule please." I asked her as she looked through them than handed me mine. "Their you go dear have a nice day." She told me as I gave her a nod and walked off.

I looked down at my classes letting out a sigh.

1. History of Magic
2. Transfiguration
3. Defense of the Dark Art
4. Charms
5. Potions
6. Astronomy
7. Herbology

I walked to McGonggals office entering seeing her door close. "Professor I ain't late I'm I?" I asked her looking up from my schedule. "You still got twenty minutes till class starts Emery." She told me as I let out a groan. "My dorm mates did it again they do this every year." I said sitting down in front of her.

"Their just making sure you're up and ready for class Emery." She told me as I hummed in response. Sure they are. "Ms.Griffin what a wonderful day." I heard Professor Black say I can recognize his voice from anywhere.

"Play nice." Professor quietly told me as I rolled my eyes. He sat down next to me as I moved my chair further away from him. "How about we start over yeah?" He said as I crossed my arms over my chest not even looking at him.

"Mom says it's bad to talk to strangers." I told him. "Well then I guess I'm not a stranger because I'm your professor look I'm sorry okay it was very childish of me to do that." He said. He's apologizing?

"Oh that's lovely chain you have their." He said as my fingertip touched it. "Oh um thank you." I mumbled but he still heard it. "Is it yours-Well yeah but it's my dads. He worked really hard for it just to give it to me." I told him as he stared at it.

"Um yeah I guess I forgive you. Professor I'll see you in a bit I have to go find Cedric." I told her standing up and quickly walked out.

I walked to my class. First class is history of magic.  I walked in settling into my seat. "No hellos princess." I heard my dad say as I looked up seeing my dad. I got up rushing over hugging him.

"Hi daddy." I mumbled as he hugged me back. I pulled back as he kissed my cheek. "You seemed busy last night so I didn't bother." I told him. "That's fine." He told me. "You got a job here?" I asked him as he gave me a nod. "Yes I did. I didn't know you went here though your mom told me you were going to Beauxbatons." Dad said as I shook my head.

"No I've been here since first year. I told you about it remember?" "Oh yes you did must've slipped my mind." He told me as I smiled at him. "Oh I'm so happy for you dad." I told him hugging him once more. "Hopefully you like this job." I told him.

"If I get to see you every morning than I sure will." He told me. "Well class is going to start soon so I'm going to go take my seat now dad." I told him as he gave me a nod. "Remember princess when people are around it's Professor Potter just so people think I'm not favoring you." He told me as I gave him a nod.

Professor Black walked in over to dad as I sat down with my papers.


Sirius marched over to me staring at me weirdly. "Why is she wearing your chain Monty got you?" He whispered shout to me pointing to Emery. "What are you talking about Pads." I told him playing it off as I collected my papers.

"James their is only one James Potter in this world so explain to me why she has your initials on her chain than?" He questioned me. Penelope must've gave it to her as a gift.


I can't lie to my best friend any longer as I let out a sigh. "Fine but you can't tell anyone." I told him. "She's my daughter." I told him as he started to laugh than stopped realizing I was serious.

"Are you serious.!" He said. "How, when, with who?" He blurted out as I looked over at Emery doing her work. "When me and Lily broke up that one week and with Penelope Griffin." I told him as he looked at her than me.

"I knew she looked familiar and the chain just happened to put everything together." He told me. "Who knows about her?" He asked me. "Nobody just me and her mom. We kept her hidden. We both agreed it'd be best if she took her last name." I told him.

"James you kept your daughter hidden for-how old is she!" He questioned. "Fourteen." I told him. "Birthday?" He questioner. "August 1st same age as Harry he's a day older than her." I told him as he shook his head.

"Mate that's messed up coming from me theirs been birthdays you've missed and I remember each one because either we had a party for Harry or we got to drunk the day of his birthday party. All those errands you ran-Were to see her." I told him.

"Does she even know about her family or about your wife and son?" He questioned me. "No she doesn't." I told him. "You need to sort this out James not only do you work here your daughter goes here who isn't from your wife." He told me.

"I know and I will but just keep this between us for now at least until I figure something out. Just meet her she's really nice." I told him. "Emery come here." I called her over as she walked over as I placed my hands on her shoulders as she stared at Sirius.

"This is my best friend Sirius." "Why him? He's such a jerk and rude and-I covered her mouth as Sirius gave me a look. "Nice you said." He grumbled. "I apologized already." Sirius told her as I removed my hand as she licked it. "You made fun of me." She stated. "I swear she is nice really nice just let her warm up. Go sit down and continue on your papers till class starts." I told her as she walked off sitting down.

"Gotta keep her busy she don't like to sit their and do nothing." I told him. "Willow is going to kill you, you kept her niece away from her and so is mom and dad." He said as I nodded my head. "They definitely are but I had to keep her away from all this mess. I thought about bringing her around when she was younger but things just started getting worse the paparazzi the newspaper all about our life and Harry's life.

She wouldn't have been able to handle it. It would scare her so kept her hidden it's what's best for her Pads as much as I sound like a major dick it's what's best." I told him. "I'll keep the secret mate because your my best friend but your going to have to tell everyone one but for now sort it out before it gets worse." He told me as I gave him a nod as kids started to fill the classroom. He gave me a nod before walking out.

His HufflepuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora