Chapter 61

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I woke up seeing I was in the hospital wing. What happened last I remember I was in the Quidditch field going to make a goal and that's all I remember.

I sat up but pain went straight to my arm. "Owe." I groaned. "Hey princess your up." Dad said as I saw him and Harry both by my side. "My arm it hurts what happened?" I asked as they stayed quiet.

"Harry what happened?" I asked him as he let out a sigh. "The game! What happened did we win?" "Please, pretty please tell me we won?" "You passed out mid game. You fell on your arm Pom-Pom said it might be broken." He told me as I looked back at my arm.

"Why would I even pass out?" "Not sleeping. Your body was exhausted from all the not sleeping and than playing today made your body more exhausted causing you to pass out." My dad told me.

"Impossible I've been sleeping." "Love we know already no need to hide it okay. We're gonna get your arm checked out alright when we go home for break as of right now your just gonna have to have it in a sling." Dad said.


Emery's upset about her arm. I told her until we get her arm checked out by a doctor she can't play at any game.

She started to cry when I told her about her arm and it hurt me seeing her cry. I know how much she loves quidditch hell I probably would've cried if I was in position.

Pom Pom gave her a sedative so she can rest. I just want to know why she's not sleeping. Is something bothering her or is something wrong in her dorm that she can't sleep.

"Dad is she going to be okay?" Harry asked. "She will be but what happened to her hand it's filled with scars?" I asked him. He stayed quiet looking down. "Harry what do you know? What aren't you telling me?"

He didn't answer me he kept his head down. "Harry if your sister is hurting herself I need-No it's not that she's not hurting herself." He said immediately. "Than what is it?" "Professor Umbridge dad. She has this quill she makes us use when we go to detention that's why she has scars on her hand." He said.

"She made me promise not to tell you but I've been trying to keep her from going to detention." He told me as I let out a sigh. "I'll deal with Umbridge you kids be careful okay I don't want you getting hurt anymore." I told them as he gave me a nod.

Who would do that to kids?

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