Chapter 34

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I can't wait for this school year to be over I'm so done with homework and all this studying it's a lot I'm not kidding between homework and studying for the tournament it's a lot for me to handle especially not knowing what the final task is.

It'd be easier if I knew what it was that way I could just focus on that one thing than I won't have to be studying a whole bunch of other subjects. Alex tries to help but like I always tell him no because I just feels like I'm using him.

"Em." Harry said sitting down next to me. "Yes?" I said not looking up from my book. "I found out the final task." He said as I immediately looked up at him. "What is it?" "It's a maze-Well I suck at maze's."

"It's not about if you suck or not Em. It's about spells-Well I'm somewhat good at spells as long as we stick together I think we'll be good." I told him. "We'll be fine besides I know lots of spells so as long as you don't leave my side you'll be fine. So you don't need to study all those other subjects."

He told me as I smiled at him. "Thank you for letting me know. I was going to go crazy if I didn't stop thank you Harry." I told him as he gave me a side hug kissing the side of my head. "No problem Em." He told me.

"What you doing sweetheart?" Alex asked as I looked up seeing Alex. "Hi baby I am just doing work mainly homework now. Harry this is Alex-Is he the one you told me about?" Harry asked as I gave him a nod.

"Yes. Alex meet Harry half but he's still my brother it's a complicated story to tell." I told him as he stared at me. "It's nice to meet." Alex said putting his hand out as Harry shook it. "You too she's very highly of you. I must go now I just thought I'd let you know." He told me as i gave him a nod.

"I will see you later if not I don't know when." I told him as he laughed. "Okay." He said before walking off as Alex sat next to me. "So he's your brother?" Alex said as I gave him a nod.

"Yeah he is it's a long story but to sum it up our dad cheated on his mom with mine." I told him. "Than your the best mistake to ever happen." He told me kissing me. I smiled at him.

"And your the best boyfriend ever." I told him as he smirked. "Of course I am." He said cockily. I shoved him away going back to the book. "I'm kidding sweetheart don't be mad I love you." He said standing up kissing my cheek.

"Where you off to?" "With my brothers." "Tell them I said hi." I told him as he kissed my cheek. "Will do see you later tonight." He told me.


How can my sister not tell my niece about me. It's unacceptable. I can't let her do the last task. I can't let her get hurt I would have failed as an uncle if I let her get hurt. All I knew she was James other kid I didn't know she was also my niece.

Fuck I shouldn't have put her name in it. I won't let my niece get hurt. Last time I saw her she was little that was it Penelope wouldn't let me see her as much anymore I hate her for that. I won't let my niece get hurt.

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