Chapter 19

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We go home today. Yay I'm excited more than excited actually I get to spend Christmas with dad for the first time and it's the first Christmas I'm not single.

I rushed downstairs so I can tell Alex and the boys bye because I may have overslept I got back to my dorm late last night. Me and Alex were dancing and just having fun with his brothers.

Alex is the second guy I've ever dated. My ex just broke up with me for no reason but I guess it was for the best.

Now I'm with Alex and I really like him.

I ran over hugging him. "I have a girlfriend." He said pushing me away as I rolled my eyes. "Good thing I'm your girlfriend ain't it." I said as he turned around immediately pulling me close to him as I hugged him. "I thought it was someone else." He mumbled.

"I've got to go but I just came by to say goodbye to you boys before I leave." I told him. "I'll walk you than." He told me as I gave him a nod. I pulled away going over to the boys.

"I will see you boys when I come back." I said hugging each and every one of them. "Come on now don't want you to miss the train." Alex told me tugging on my hand like a child. "Okay I'm going." I told him as I waved at the boys before leaving with Alex.

"It's only a week I'll be gone." I told him. "Yeah that's a week without you." He told me. "It's only a week okay. Than I'll be back with you alright than I'll spend more time with you." I told him.

"What are we going to do when you have to go back after the tournament is over what are we going to do and be?" I asked him. "Together we'll do long distance during summer I'll go see you take you out how I'm suppose to be doing right now. I really like you Emery Griffin."

He said. "I see a future with you." He told me. We can make this work once he leaves. "I really like you to Alex whatever your last name is." I told him as he laughed. "It's Salvatore sweetheart." He said.

"Well than Mr.Salvatore we will make things work in the end." I told him. "Me and you." He said. "Me and you." I said giving him a nod.

"Emmy come on." Cedric said as I let out a sigh. "I have to go now. I'll miss you and I will write to you alright?" I told him. "Alright have a nice trip and have a nice time with your dad sweetheart I will be waiting for you when you come back." He told me.

"Thank you." I told him. He kissed me as I kissed him back. "Hey that's enough." Cedric shouted as I pulled back shaking my head at him. "I'll see you later bye." "Bye sweetheart." He said giving me one last kiss before I walked over to Cedric who was glaring at Alex.

"Stop it." I said grabbing his hand dragging him onto the train. "He's not good for you." Cedric said as we sat down in our compartment. "Oh really why not?" I asked him. "Because he ain't nobody will ever be good for you ever and I mean it. You deserve to be treated like a princess." He told me as I smiled at him.

"I love you pretty boy." I told him. "I love you too Emmy and I told you to stop calling me that already." He said as I shook my head. "Nope pretty boy is staying for a long time." I told him as he shook his head at me.

- - -

I grabbed my things and walked off the train. "Here I'll walk you over." Cedric said grabbing my hand taking me over.

Wait what if his family and friends don't like me. I met Harry's grandparents and aunt so like what if they hate me. "Wait." I told him stopping as he stared at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "What if they hate me? What if I'm making a huge mistake on going. I mean I've ruin Harry's life already I'll be ruining it even more." I told him. "Em you've been talking about your dads for months. Don't let Harry ruin it for you. You deserve this okay you deserve to be happy and if you still feel that way don't hesitate to write to me and I'll go get you myself." He told me.

"Really?" "Of course I will Emmy your the most important thing in my life." He told me "okay I'm ready now pretty boy I'm good to go now." I told him as we continued to walk. We soon met my dad and his family.

"Hi dad." I hugged him as he immediately hugged back. "Hello Princess how was the train ride?" "It was alright I slept most of the way." I told him. "Are you ready?" He asked me as I turned to Cedric.

"I will send you a letter sometime tonight or this week pretty boy." I told him. "Of course I'll be waiting your majesty." He said as I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yes, yes my servant do be waiting for me." He shook his head rolling his eyes but gave me a hug.

"Be safe and be careful with your arm. Make sure to get it checked out because you got it a month off earlier remember that. I love you be safe bye now." He told me kissing my head before walking off before I could say anything. "I love you too pretty boy." I shouted as he turned around with wide eyes as I grinned at him.

"Your crazy." He mouthed to me as I smiled at him. I waved to him before turning to my dad. "Now I'm ready." I told him as he gave me a nod.

"Are we apprating?" I asked him as he shook his head. "No we're driving." He told me. "Driving? Apprating is faster though." I told him. "I know but a car with just the four of us will be fun." Dad said. "Yeah it will be." It'll be awkward that's for sure.

"Come on than." Dad said as I followed him making sure to keep my distance from Harry. I know he must hate me and me staying he must hate me even more.

"Tomorrow I'm taking you to go get checked." Dad said as we got to a nice car. "Let me put your guys stuff in the trunk." Dad said grabbing my bag out of my hand taking it and putting it in the trunk along with Harry's.

"Come on." He said opening the door to the drivers seat pulling the seat forwards as i for in. Me and Harry are sat next to each other. "It's a bit of a drive." Dad said getting in starting the car. Lily got in closing  the door buckling up.

"That's fine." I told him staying on my side giving Harry space. "How long of a drive is it?" "About an hour that's all." Dad said like it's no big deal. "Why do you have to go bathroom?" "No just asking." I told him as he gave me a nod. "Just let me know when you got to go." He told me as I gave him a nod.

This might be one long hour.

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