Chapter 27

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I woke up to someone tapping me. I opened my eyes seeing it was my dad. "Come on wake up we're leaving in a bit to the Kings Cross." Dad told me as I gave him a nod.

"It'll be okay. I promise you your grandma didn't mean it but if you don't to see them no more or talk to them I won't force you to." Dad told me as I gave him a nod.

"I'll let you get dressed now." Dad said kissing the top of my head. He walked out shutting the door. I let out a sigh and sat up.

"Em wake up-oh never mind your up. Morning baby sis." He said walking over kissing my cheek. "Morning." I mumbled covering my mouth as I yawned.

"I hope you feel better today." He told me. "Harry you can stop faking now." I told him. "I'm not faking anything. Your my baby sister weather you like it or not. Your not getting rid of my that easily understood. If I have to deal with Cedric's constant bickering than you can deal with me." He told me.

"I promise it's not fake I really do love you Emmy okay your my baby sister." He told me. "Harry let your sister get ready stop bothering her." Lily yelled as she walked past the room.

Harry let out a groan as i bit back a smile. "I'll see you in a bit I guess." He said walking back out shutting the door. Maybe just maybe none of it was fake and I was just being dramatic.

I got out of bed and walked into the closet grabbing some clothes and to the bathroom.

I took a shower once I was finished I got out dried myself off and got dressed than brushed my teeth and hair.

I threw my dirty clothes in my basket along with the towel. I walked out the bathroom and started to get my trunk ready. Once I had everything I walked downstairs seeing my dad standing by the door. "Let me see your bag go eat." Dad told me as i shook my head. "Not hungry I'll just eat when we get back to the castle." He stared at me as I let out a sigh and walked to the kitchen.

"Your wearing that?" Harry said as I looked down at my outfit. It's just jeans with a grey shirt. "Yeah what's wrong with it?" I asked him. "Nothing-Your showing to much skin." My dads dad told me. It's a grey t-shirt and jeans.

"I don't see nothing wrong with it." "You look pretty Em." Harry told me. "Thank you." I told him. Now I don't even feel hungry anymore. "You going to eat?" Harry asked as I shook my head. "No I've lost my appetite." I told him before turning around.

I walked out seeing my dad come back in. "You eat?" He asked as I gave him a nod. "When are we leaving?" "Right now." He told me. "Perfect I'm going to go wait in the car." I told him walking off before he could even answer.

I got in sitting down letting out a sigh.

I think I might've got fat shamed. I heard the door open and looked and saw Harry. "I love your outfit." Harry told me as I smiled at him laying my head on his shoulder. "Thank you Harry." I told him. Soon my dad and Lily got in and drove off.

I can finally see Alex again I can't wait.

His HufflepuffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon