Chapter 63

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So I brought Emery to get her arm checked out and it ain't going well on Emery's part. Her arm is in a cast again and she is not having it not one bit. She keeps trying to get it off even after the doctor and I told her no.

She even said she can still play with the cast on. Me and the doctor both told her no. He told her she couldn't play anymore at all even once her hand healed again because how dangerous it could be the next time she broke it.

I don't she's going to listen to any of us.

"Emery leave it on." I told her as I took the knife away her as she tried to cut it off. "No this stupid cast is making my life hard!" She said obviously mad at the world right now. "It's going to help your hand heal love so leave it on."

I told her as she scowled glaring at the plate not saying anything. This is going to be a long weekend.

"Hey guys-No one cares." Emery said as Harry looked at her. I covered her ears so she didn't hear us. "She's mad at the world right now it's best to ignore till she's done being mad. She doesn't want the cast on." I told him as he gave me a nod.

I moved my hands off her ears as she kept her head down. "Oh look at the mad chipmunk." Sirius said. Before any of us could shut him up Emery already spoken. "And look at the old man with tons of grey hairs you ugly-I covered her mouth not wanting her to finish that sentence.

"Sirius it's best if you just leave her alone right now." I told him as he stared at me horrified. This is going to be a very, very long break here at the Manor.

"Emery why don't you read?" Regulus told her cautiously not wanting to upset her. "Maybe the doctor should take this stupid cast off of my arm!" She said before storming out.

"I'm assuming the doctors appointment didn't go well." Marlene said as I nodded my head. "Yup, not one bit." I said shaking my head. "James you can't let her run you." My mom told me.

"She's mean when she's angry, angry." Sirius said. "I think she was going to call me an ugly bitch." Sirius said as I tried not to laugh that's not funny!

The triplets walked in not saying a word. "What's got Emery's wand in a knot?" Andrew asked. "What'd she do?" I asked them. "Um nothing but she's outside hitting her arm against a tree." "She's mad at the world right now." Harry said.

"We can tell." Matthew said. "Maybe go talk to her James." "Me!" I said as they stared at me. "Maybe Sirius." I suggested. "No way I'm I talking to her she's mad and I don't want to she scares me a bit."

"Sirius she's fifteen." "Have you've not met her mother!" Sirius said as I rolled my eyes. "She has Penelope and James blood running through her I ain't talking to that. It's hard enough talking to James." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll go." I mumbled walking off out the back door seeing her hitting her casted arm against the tree talking to herself. I grabbed a blanket seeing as she had no sweater or jacket on. I walked over quietly as she kept hitting the tree.

"Stop your gonna break it." I told her. "That's the point!" She said as I grabbed her arm stopping her as she glared at me. Her nose was all red from the cold.

"Princess you can't do that your arm will never heal if you don't keep it on." I told her. "This stupid cast is stopping my from playing quidditch!" She said she is very upset about this situation right now.

I wrapped the blanket around her holding it cause she obviously ain't gonna hold it. "Princess your arm needs time to heal and it being the cast will help it. But being mad at the world ain't going to change the fact that you have to wear it. So I suggest you stop with all this attitude right now because it ain't going to get you anywhere." I told her as she walked inside not even acknowledging me.

The audacity of this child.

I walked back inside and back to the others. "So?" Alice asked. "She's still mad. Just give her time." I told them.

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