Chapter 47

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After spending some time with Luna it made me realize how much I've been pushing people away and that's the least I want to do. I don't want to push them away I hate doing that.

Also spending time with Luna made me realize how much I should try other methods of calming down instead of yelling at people and pushing them away so we're trying it her way.

I walked downstairs quietly and to the couch with a book. I shouldn't keep myself locked up in my room all the time. "What are you doing?" Harry asked me. "Reading." I told him. "Would you perhaps go outside with me?" "Later." I told him.

"Hey the midget is out." Sirius shouted entering the living room. "Sirius leave her alone." His wife told him. "She's not doing nothing to you leave her alone." Kya told him. "Is the midget not in a bad mood today what a shocker!" He said as I kept my focus on my book.

"Oh come on you know you want to say something?" He said. He's just teasing me to get a reaction out of me. "Is the evil spawn finally in a good mood today? What a shocker for once-I shut my book letting out a sigh as he smirked. "You-I pointed at him as he smirked even more.

"Are just amazing Sirius you know. Your hair looks really good today." I told him surprising myself and him. "No your suppose to snap at me." He said. "You look amazing and I'm going to go read in my room." I told him before going to my room.

That felt nice not to snap.


What did Regulus do to my daughter. "Regulus what do you do to her?" Sirius questioned him. "Nothing I took her to see my friend and her daughter thats it." He said.

"Maybe nothing is wrong with her." Lily said. "Something must be up and I'm going to be the one to figure it out." Sirius said marching upstairs as I shook my head.

- - -

Weeks went by of Emery not snapping at Sirius and it's taking a toll on him. He's doing everything he can to figure out why she won't snap at him and it's annoying him when she doesn't.

"James your daughter is broken." Sirius said coming down looking messy. "She won't even laugh at me or comment nothing she just compliments me she's broken and needs to be fixed." He walked off and came back down with her.

"Fix her!" He demanded as she stared at us. "Theirs nothing wrong with me?" She said. "You won't insult me! Your broken you need to be fixed! Immediately!" Sirius told her. "I'm not broken?" She said but it came out as a question.

"Sirius leave her alone." I told him. "She's broken and needs to be fixed right away!" Sirius said. "Or maybe she's done fighting with you." Lily told him. "Nope something's wrong with her!" He demanded.

"Emery are you okay." I asked her letting out a sigh. "I'm fine." She said. She walked off as Sirius sat down. "Something is wrong with her." He stated as I shook my head. "Nothing is wrong with her! She's moving on Sirius let her be." Lily told him before standing up and walking off.


I followed after Emery only to see her talking to Regulus. She's talking about that night. "Bellatrix crucified me with my own wand while my boyfriend watched." She told him.

"Emery-I think I passed out I can't remember anything else but I have scars on my body and it sucks because I can't remember what happened." I felt myself tearing up hearing her talk about that night.

"I get nightmares from that night and it scares me that I'll never know what else happened to me and my mom hates and theirs nothing I can do to change it." She said her voice breaking. My poor baby oh I'm not letting her go through anymore hurt. I'm not going to let anyone hurt her. She's my kid as well and I love her.

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