Chapter 11

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I woke up in the hospital wing in a bed. I looked and saw my hand was healed in a cast though. My shoulder was healed as well.

When I tried to move it hurt. "Careful dear." Madam Pomfrey said gently pushing me back into the bed. "I've healed what I could in your hand but it won't be properly fixed till you go to St Mugos." She told me.

"If it's not properly fixed will I still be able to play Quidditch?" "Unfortunately not Ms.Griffin but look on the bright side your safe now." She told me. "I've got to be able to play I need to." I told her.

"I'm sorry Ms. Griffin but you need your rest." She told me. I'm not even tired. "And my shoulder?" "I've healed it. It's just going to leave a nasty little scar." Just like the others. "Thank you." I told her as she gave me a smile. "Call me if your in pain or in discomfort." She told me as I gave her a nod as she walked off and Cedric walked over.

"Hey your up." He said sitting down next to me. "She said my hand probably won't be properly healed all the way and probably next year I won't be able to play." I told him. "Well if you can't I won't." He said as I shook my head.

"No it's fine-EMERY MINVERA GRIFFIN." My mom shouted and I closed my eyes. "Give us a moment Ced." I told him as my mother stormed over to me. Cedric got up walking past her.

"What did I tell you huh.! I told you if you got hurt I'm taking you out of this school and look exactly what you did." Mom said. "It doesn't even-She smacked my hand as pain shot through my body.

"How can you say it not hurt when you just winced in pain tell me?" She said. She went on and on to the point I zoned out. My head hurts my whole body hurts.

"Are you even listening?" Mom said. "Yes I am." I told her. "Ms.Griffin your daughter needs her rest." Madam Pomfrey said coming over to us. "We're not done talking Emery." Mom said before leaving.

"Someone had to get her out of here." Madam Pomfrey said as I smiled at her. "Thank you." I told her. "How's the hand?" I heard as I looked up seeing Harry and his family. "Alright I guess Madam Pomfrey healed what she could but I have to go to St. Mugos to get it checked out and if it's not healed properly I'm more likely not able to play next year." I told him.

"But on the bright side people can sign my cast." I told him as he shook his head. "Your truly weird." He said. "That's fine I've been called worse." I told him. "I'm sorry." He confessed. "Sorry for what it's not like your the one who broke my hand." I told him.

"I swapped your wand with a stick as a joke hoping you'd realize it was a stick but you didn't." He told me pulling my wand out of his back pocket. I grabbed it from him placing it on my side.

"It's okay. You thought it'd be funny joke it's fine." I told him. "Your forgiving me?" He said. "Am I not suppose to? You apologized and came clean it's not like you hide it for years." I told him as he looked down. "It's okay Harry everyone makes mistakes-But you got hurt." He said.

"It was bound to happen at some point it wouldn't have been because of you. Everyone makes mistakes but you apologized so let it go-He stormed out. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked them.

"No you didn't dear." My Professor said before they walked off and my dad came. "Oh look at you. My poor little baby." He said coming over pinching my cheeks. "How are you feeling. Are you hurting?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No I feel fine dad it's just a broken hand that's all." I told him as he shook his head. "Your hand got crushed I was talking to Madam Pomfrey and your shoulder got burnt." He told me. "I'll be fine dad don't worry about me." I told him.

"I'm always going to worry about you don't forget that you hear me. Your my little girl don't forget that either so if someone hurts you I'll protect from everything even if their the bad people themselves princess." Dad said as I smiled at him.

"You mean it?" "Of course I do I wouldn't let no one touch you." Dad said as I sat up and hugged him. "Your gonna love it when you stay for Christmas." Dad told me as I looked up at him. "As long as I'm with you I'll love it." I told him as he smiled at me. He kissed my forehead.

"Get some rest okay you need it." He told me as I laid back down. "I'm going to go talk to Dumbledore so rest for now." He said. "Bye dad." I told him. "Bye princess I'll see you later." He said standing up covering me more with the blanket before leaving.


I exited the hospital to go see what's going to happen now with the tournament. Her hand got crushed probably won't heal by the next task.

"I'm assuming Minvera was all you?" Willow asked catching up to me. "Yeah it was.

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