Chapter 85

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I was surprised she came I thought she'd never step foot in the house ever again. But she's trying ti get better I guess. She asked me to sign the papers so she can go to therapy and I'm happy she's going.

"What did she want you to sign?" Sirius asked. "Nothing important." I told him. They don't need to know especially if she doesn't want them to know.

"Rude." Sirius mumbled as I rolled my eyes. I'm glad she's okay and that she's happy even if Im not there for her.


Seven o'clock came and she didn't show. It was 7:10 and she didn't show. "She'll come I know she will." Harry said.

Maybe something came up. Someone knocked on the door as Harry rushed to answer the door. I hope it's Emery it'd be nice to have a dinner with her again.

Harry walked in with Emery and Alex. "Sorry we're late someone couldn't find there shoes!" Alex said staring at Emery who rolled her eyes. "Stop lying it was you who couldn't find their shoes. I told you where they were and you just didn't listen to me." Emery said.

"It's okay, wait till later in the future it'll probably be right in front of him and he will still say he can't find them." Lily said as Emery nodded her head as they sat down. "Yes he does that all the time!" Emery said.

"Not all the time!" Alex mumbled resting his head on the palm of his hand. "All the time!" Emery said. "Frank is like that too!" Alice said. "So is Sirius." "And Remus!" The girls said.

"Hey stop teaming up!" Frank said as the girls laughed. "How have you've been Emery?" Lily asked her. "I've been good and you guys?" "We've been good just trying to put everything behind us." Lily told her. "So what are you gonna do now, now that the war is over and your finished with school?" Lily asked.

"I'm not sure yet, but I have money, I can only access it when I turn eighteen though but which is in a couple months so I'm not worried." "Right trust fund baby." Harry said as Emery nodded her head.

"It's a lot in the bank I know Penelope used mostly her husbands money none of her own not even the money she had when our parents died." "No she didn't everything my mom owned and Alexander owned all comes to me. So both of there money all comes to me." Emery said.

"So that's good your financially stable." Barty told her as she nodded her head. "Yeah I guess, having a stepdad has it perks I guess." Emery said. "So Harry what about you? What are you gonna do?" Emery said quickly changing the subject.

"I'm gonna be an auror like dad is." Harry told her. "That's good. I'm sure you'll love it." She told him.


The dinner went by smoothly. I had a good time I will admit that. It was nice talking to them again.

"Em can we talk?" Harry asked as I gave him a nod and followed him. "Whats up?" I said. "Some time ago I took something from you and I think it's time you have it back." He said as I stared at him confused. There's nothing that ever went missing from me.

He pulled the chain off his neck. "Harry I can't-Yeah you can. It was yours in the first place and if anyone deserves it it's you. It's time you take it back now." He told me placing it in my hands. "It's belongs to the first boy of the family." "Well you beat me to it and took and now I'm giving it back to you." He told me.

"Are you sure?" I told him. "I'm positive besides I liked it better when you had it." He told me as I gave him a hug. "Thank you." I told him.

I looked up at him as he smiled at me. "I'm glad your okay." He told me. "I'm glad your okay. You really scared me when he said you were dead." I told him. "I'm not leaving your side not anymore." He told me.

I pulled back giving him a smile. "I'm um going to therapy now." I told him as he looked surprised. "Really?" "Yeah, I want to get better." "That's good I'm proud of you." He told me.

"Harry I'm sorry for how I was um before I left. I didn't know how to control my emotions and i was just so angry at the time that I took most of my anger out on you and dad. I was angry at the world, for taking Cedric than my mom I just didn't know how to feel and I'm sorry if I hurt you." I told him.

"It's fine that's all in the past I'm just happy to have my baby sister back." He told me. "Maybe tomorrow we can hang out or do something if you want?" "I'd love that." He told me.

"It's getting pretty late now me and Alex should probably head out now." "Yeah, no I will see you tomorrow be careful." He told me as I gave him one last hug.

We pulled away as I saw Alex already with my sweater and bag. I walked over to Alex grabbing my sweater putting it on. "Ready?" He asked me as I nodded my head. "Yeah I'm ready now." I told him.

I bid my goodbyes to everyone than we left.

"What'd you and Harry talk about?" He asked me pulling me close into his side. "Nothing I was just apologizing to him that's all." I told him. "Well I'm glad you had fun cause I know I'm about to have some fun at home right now." He said as I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

"Sure whatever you say." I told him as he laughed. "I love you." He told me. "I love you too." I told him giving him a kiss.

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