Chapter 41

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A week since I've been at my moms. She's come home drunk each night either with someone or alone. When she's alone I help her get to bed but when she's with someone I don't go out my room.

Every day she wakes up with a hangover so here I am taking care of her each morning. It's not like it's my first time doing this mom did this all while I was growing up so I'm use to it by now.  "Emery!" She yelled from her room. I got out of bed and walked to her bedroom.

"Make me some coffee." She told me as I walked out downstairs to the kitchen making her a coffee. "Hurry up." She yelled as I walked upstairs to her room. I handed it to her as she took one sip and threw it on me. It was burning hot. I looked down at my shirt that has hot coffee all on it than back at my mom.

"It taste like shit. Get cleaned up your going to your dads." She told me. I walked out to my room grabbing a wet cloth and cleaning the coffee off of me. I threw my shirt into the dirty pile and cleaned up my stomach and chest. I than changed my bra than put a nice clean shirt on.

My arms were red from the coffee. "Let's go." She yelled from her bedroom as I slipped on some slippers and walked to her bedroom as we apparated to the house. "James I've brought your evil spawn." Mom yelled as dad walked over.

"I'm going on vacation you can have her for the rest of the summer." Mom told him. "Are you not worried one bit about her?" "She's healthy and she's faking it so I have nothing to worry about." She said before leaving.

"Hi princess." Dad said hugging me. "Want to-I walked past him upstairs to my room. I closed the door and laid on the bed. It was all to piss my dad off that's why she took me.

I heard a knock on the door. It than opened revealing Sirius. He came in closing the door than seating himself on my bed. "Your mom sounds horrid." He said laughing a bit.

"What happened to your arms?" He asked me. "Coffee." I mumbled. "I remember when my mom threw coffee on me." He told me. "Left bit of a mark but I liked it. It made me look so cool." He said.

"Why you in here?" I asked him as he let out a sigh. "Fine you caught. I just want to let you know you can talk to me Emery my mother hated me too." He told me. "What happened that night?" He asked me that's why he came in here.

"Nothing." I told him. "Something happened and your not telling." He said. "Nothing happened that night." I told him again as he let out a sigh. "You've got to talk about it one day." He told me getting off the bed and walking out.

I let out a sigh. "Emery someone's here for you." My dad yelled as I walked downstairs over to the door seeing it was Alex. "Listen-I shut the door on him as he knocked again and my dad answered it. "Sweetheart-I slammed it this time hoping he got the hint. "You can't ignore me forever." He yelled from the other side of the door.

"What'd he do?" Dad asked. "Was it Alex?" Harry asked as I gave him a nod. "He was their that night holding her so she couldn't do nothing." Harry told dad. "I won't let him near you I promise." Dad said. "I still love him." I mumbled under my breath.

"It'll be okay." dad said pulling me into a hug. "Okay nobody can harm you from now on I won't let them." He said kissing the side of my head.

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