Chapter 24

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Today is New Years and dad decided to throw a ball for it. Why no clue and it sucks just like Christmas did.

I got in trouble Christmas Day because I was lifting heavy things so for the remainder of that day I stayed in my room away from everybody. I can't I'm trouble for the stupidest thing lifting a heavy box.

Now dad is throwing a ball and I must attend it. I just want to hide in the room and pretend I don't exist because that's what dad seems to do lately is pretend I don't exist especially to the world like I ain't his daughter.

"Get dressed it starts in twenty minutes." Dad told me. "Why? Why can't I just stay in here all night and pretend I don't exist because you seem to act like I don't pretty well lately." I told him. "Get dressed I'm not telling you again Emery when I come back up you begged me dressed." He said shutting my door.

I let out a groan and got out of bed walking into the closet. I'm getting dressed but I ain't putting shoes on. I put on some nice pants and a nice shirt  and walked downstairs. "No." Dad immediately told me.

"Why not it's just new years." I told him. "Because now go change into a dress." Dad told me. "It's just New Years dad it's not a wedding why do I need to wear a dress huh tell me?" I said.

"Emery now your wasting time." He told me. "Wasting who's time dad your just going to act like I'm moms kid and not yours so it doesn't matter what I wear." I told him. I think coming here was a mistake it's only ruining mine and my dads relationship.

"Change now." He said as I turned around going back upstairs to my room. I shut the door going back to the closet. Why must I look so formal it's not like I'm going to talk to anyone.

I searched through some dresses but I don't like any that's the problem. Maybe if I stay up here till the party starts dad won't notice. I walked back out and sat on the bed.

Some time passed as I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. Theirs butterflies and stars up on the ceiling. I love my dad very much but he's just being different and difficult.

"Dad is searching for you." Harry said barging into my room. "Tell him I ran away." I said not moving as he shut the door walking over to me laying down next to me. "You and dad been arguing lately." He reminded me. "I know no need to remind me."

I told him. "Why?" "I don't know why Harry we've just been arguing and it's over the stupidest things." I told him. "You two better get downstairs before Uncle James noticed that your both missing." A girl said. "We're going Haylee." Harry said getting off the bed.

She walked off as Harry made his way to the door. "You coming?" He asked as I gave him a nod. "Yeah I'll meet you downstairs." I told him as he gave me a nod and walked off.

I wonder what mom is doing for New Years. Is she worried for me? Is she happy without me?

I don't know which one.

I got off the bed going downstairs after shutting my door. I looked around seeing loads of people. Maybe dad won't notice me missing. "Why aren't you dressed?" Dad asked before I made my getaway.

"I told you to change already." Dad told me. "I should've stayed at the castle." I mumbled looking down. "What'd you say?" Dad said. "Nothing." I told him. "Where are your shoes?" He asked. "We're inside dad not outside." I told him as he shook his head.

"Come on theirs people I want you to meet." He said as he walked off as I slowly followed him hoping to lose him in the crowd of people. My wish came true because I did lose him.

Not for long he grabbed my hand dragging me with. Their goes my dreams. "James did you kidnap a child again?" A lady asked. "No. Guy I want you to meet Emery." Dad said.

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