Chapter 76

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I'm always sent to my room no matter what. How come Harry gets to continue playing but I can't? It's not fair dad always puts Harry first.

Sometimes I wish mom is alive still even if she didn't want me she'd put me first well sometimes. It's just not fair Harry gets to do what he wants and I can't!

"Heard you got in trouble." Alex said coming into my room. "Shut up." I told him as he shut my door and jumped on my bed. "Don't worry babe sooner or later you'll get it off." He told me as I rolled my eyes.

"Well sooner needs to come like right now. This cast is uncomfortable and I don't want it on anymore." I told him. "Come on you know it's not that bad." He said as I stared at him.

"Says the one not wearing one. I practically had a cast for almost two years now! Well it'll be two years soon but it's been way to long! One minutes it's healed and the next it's broken again! How can I ever play quidditch again?"

"I know you love it and all but maybe just hold on playing till your arm is fully healed?" He told me. "Than what am I supposed to do if I'm not playing Quidditch?" "I don't know maybe spend more time with me?" He said as I shoved him a bit as he laughed shaking his head.

"Your with me twenty four seven so it really doesn't matter." I told him. He started to throw my pillow up in the air. I really want my moony right now. It's a stuff bear in a form of a wolf, I had since I was born. My dad got it for me when I little and ever since then I had it.

"Be back." I mumbled walking out my room. I looked for my dad and soon found him outside with Harry playing quidditch. "Dad?" I called for him as he came over to me. "Can I go-Your grounded you can't go nowhere." He told me.

"But it's-No." he said before walking off. He didn't even let me finish. I walked back in accidentally bumping into Lily. "Sorry." I mumbled. "It's fine, what's wrong dear?" She asked me. "Nothing." "Are you sure, you look upset?" She said.

"I want to go home to grab some things but dad won't let me." I told her. "Well I'll take you come on." She told me. "Really?" "Yeah of course come on." She said as I gave her a nod and followed her.

We apprated to the Manor as we walked inside. Glass was broken everywhere from the last time I left home. "Um sorry for the mess." I told her. "It's fine dear." She said. "I just need to grab something from my room and I'll be right back I won't be long." I told her.

"It's fine take your time." She told me as I quickly rushed up to my room and found my moony on my bed where I had left it. I quickly grabbed it and a bag and grabbed a couple of things and quickly rushed downstairs to Lily.

"Mistress!" Tully said popping out of nowhere. "Your back! Tully missed you very much." She said. "Oh Tully-Your leaving Tully aren't you?" She said as I feel so bad for her.

"Tully I don't have a choice-Actually." Lily said as we both looked at her. "If you don't mind Emery and if Tully don't mind she can come with us and her and Winnie can be together and help around?" Lily said as I looked at Tully who looked happy.

"Really can she?" I asked. "Of course Tully you know how to get the Potter Manor right?" "Tully knows how!" She said. "Well we will love to have you with us." Lily said. "You hear that Tully you can come with us!" I told her. "Oh I will meet mistress there!" Tully said before leaving.

"Come on let's head on back now." Lily said as I took her hand as she apprated us back to the house.

"Thank you so much Lily it really meant a lot to me." I told her as she smiled at me. "It was no-Emery I told you, that you couldn't go nowhere!" Dad said walking over mad.

"I wasn't gone that long." "That's not the point I told you no and you went behind my back and still did it!" He said. "But I didn't go alone Lily came with and it was only a couple minutes." I told him.

"Emery what do you not understand, you are grounded that means you can't go nowhere." He said. "James I took even after you told her no. Don't be mad at her." "Lily it's fine no need to get in trouble. I'll go back to the room now. Thank you for taking me though." I told her and made my way upstairs to my room.

I walked in and found Alex asleep on my bed. I sat my bag down on my floor taking my shoes on. I grabbed my moony and shut my door. I walked over laying down next to Alex as he looked at me tiredly. "Moony?" He asked as I nodded my head.

He pulled me closer to him as I let him. As long as I have my moony with me nothing can hurt me.


Emery walked upstairs as I heard her door shut. "Lily I thought we agreed on this. When we ground the kids were not to take them out!" I told her. "James she just wanted to go back the Manor to grab something so I took her. Whatever she got obviously means a lot to her." She told me.

"She was in trouble Lily." I told her. "I understand but you do realize not once has she gone to the Manor to grab anything so of course when she asked me to take her after you said no to her of course I took her." She said.

She wanted to go to the Manor for what?

"I don't know why she wanted to go but she got something that meant something to her." She told me. I walked upstairs letting out a sigh. I knocked on her door. "Emery." I called for her but got no response. I called for her again and still nothing.

I opened her door and found her asleep with Alex and her Moony. That's probably what she went for. She can't sleep without it so I wonder how she's been sleeping without it these past couple of weeks. I feel like a dick now for not even letting her finish her sentence.

I shut the door letting her sleep.

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